Love at First Sight...

Love at First Sight...
Lanvin Happy Mini Pop Bag

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday, Feb 18th, 2010'

First things first...

So, I got up hella' early this morning as I was going to head out to meet a friend for lunch, followed by a little shopping and then the rest of the day spent in Yeosu (the next town over). I was so super tired this morning. Why? Because my idea of having fun on my vacation consists of staying up all night and all morning doing absolutely nothing. So, when my blackberry/alarm clock went off this morning I asked my self, "Self why in the hell did I agree to meet up at 12pm instead of let's say around 3?" Needless to say I did what I do every morning. I powered up my laptop and checked my emails and then sat around until the last minute and then rushed to get ready.

The early bird gets the wha'?

After I did the morning ritual of getting showered, getting dressed, painting my face, throwing on a cap (because I assumed it was going to be much too windy and me hearing the wind whistling through my apartment this morning-made this the best option for the day), a scarf, boots, jacket, grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I was destined to be on time today. In fact, I wanted to be a little early. I don't like running and I don't like be pressed for time. After I hailed my cab I arrived at the restaurant really early. I couldn't tell you the time I arrived because I don't carry a cell phone nor do I ever wear a watch. But I assume it was super early because I left my apartment at 11:20am and I am pretty sure I got dropped off about 15mins later. And since I got dropped off across the street let's just say it took me about 8 mins to get to the location of the restaurant. So after my mental calculations I would say I arrived at the restaurant around 11:53am and I wasn't suppose to be there until noon. So, yea I was early.

Yummy Yummy in my tummy...

So, lunch was amazing as always. And I must say when you are in good company the food always seems to taste a lot better than what it actually is. Well, that and being super hungry. So, after we got our belly full. We (who is we? Myself, Korean Rachel & Sarah) head downtown for a little shopping.

These streets will make you feel brand new, The lights will inspire you...

Okay, I must say shopping in Korea is bananas. I absolutely love that the stores blast music and it is uncensored! I love that when I walked into the store today they were blasting "Empire State of Mind" w/Jay Z & Alicia Keys and it was TOTALLY not even edited. No, it wasn't the radio version. Honey, it was the original copy. Too funny. Before I came to Asia everyone always said how conservative it was and how you must dress a certain way and you are not suppose to do this and that. And it is totally the OPPOSITE of what everyone has said.

Feet, why must you always bother me?

So, after walking and walking and walking, we then decide to head to Yeosu. By this time my feet were killing me. Not even sure why my feet were hurting so bad. Perhaps it was just the cold. Perhaps, I was just tired or perhaps my feet were just hurting just because. I was so excited to finally sit on the bus and take this ride to Yeosu.

No, I still don't speak Korean...

So, I sit down on the bus and I have it all to myself (the seat that is) and I have my bags sitting next to me and I have my feet kicked up and I am chilling. Really chilling. I pull back the shades on the bus and let the heat of the sun kiss my cheeks (funny thing, being from Florida I never realized how much I love the sun on my face until I got here. I really love it. I put it in the same category as the way I love the smell of a new born baby and fresh laundry in the dryer.) I noticed that Harry Potter is playing on the T.V and I am sitting back and enjoying the ride.


The bus comes to a stop and an older Korean woman passes 7 empty seats (how do I know it was exactly 7? Because as soon as she sat down I sat up in my chair and counted and looked back at her like, "are you serious?" Of course I didn't actually say this to her but if she could read my thoughts she would have been like "oh no you didn't!") So, as soon as she sat down I really should have gone with my first mind and pretended to be asleep. But I don't. The Korean woman politely jabs me in my arm and speaks to me in Korean. I look at her and say "No Habla es Korean." Yes, I do. She then looks at me and smiles and repeats what she just said to me and I then decide to not say it in Spanish but maybe English. I say "Noooooooo Korean." She then laughs and looks at me and then says it again in slow motion. So by this point I put my fingers up and make an X and say "Korean NO." So, then she looks away. And I then think this is the perfect time to fall asleep. She then politely jabs my in my arm again and says "Yeosu Suncheon or Suncheon Yeosu?" So then by the common sense I was born with, I assume she is asking if I am going to Yeosu and asking if live in Suncheon. So, I wanting to impress her with the only 15words of Korean I know. Gladly respond with a "Nayyyyyy Suncheon going to Yeosu." Ha ha and she was impressed. We had a brief chat. She not understanding what the hell I was saying nor me understanding what the hell she was saying. But it was good. I enjoyed it. She agreed with me and I agreed with her, It was the perfect conversation.

Enough already and on with the Good Part...

So, Rachel, Myself and Sarah have a fabulous dinner. Which was absolutely amazing! And after a long fabulous day I head home. So, I catch the bus to Suncheon from Yeosu and it is smooth sailing. It is really dark and really late and I really want to take a nap but I can't chance it. I can't take the chance of missing my stop. So, I stay up and next thing you know I am pulling up to the Suncheon Bus Terminal. Yea, I am home and I am excited. I stand up grab my shopping bags and I hand the driver my bus pass and bam!

Tumble weeds aren't the only things tumbling down...

I fall out of the bus! How in the hell does one fall off of the damn bus? I yelped to the top of my lungs and slowly get up clinching all of my bags in my hands and I slowly limp into the bus station. I got no time to check my wounds but it sure didn't feel good. I had knocked the wind outta myself. I limped into the bus terminal and stood there in the middle of the terminal looking wild and crazy! I didn't know where I was or what I was doing and where I should be going. I finally got it together and realized I was home. My mind told me to walk out and act as if nothing had happened and to not look back. I proceeded to walk out the door and was dragging my foot on the ground and unable to bend my knee. I prayed to God, to please just let me make it to my cab. I hailed a cab and threw myself in and said the name of my destination and threw my head back on the head rest. My shin, knee & leg was killing me. All I could do was try to think of the name of the hospital that I was in when I was sick not too long ago. I was afraid to look. I really thought the bone would be sticking out. It was painful!

Getting out and getting up...

So, the taxi driver drops me off and turns around to watch me slowly get out of his taxi. Slowly throw one leg out at a time. Slowly stand up. Slowly stand on my legs. Slowly stretch my back. Slowly reach back into the taxi and grab my bags. And slowly walk up to my building. I get home and take off my boots (those damn Coach Boots), take off my jeans (afraid of what I may see) and limp into the bathroom and hose off my leg and put neosporin all over the skin that has been removed and limp back into the bedroom and call it a night.

The pain comes out at night...

My leg is killing me. No, it was not embarrassing falling out of the bus. Nor was it embarrassing hobbling to my apartment. Thank God it wasn't much more serious than what it was. But, how exactly am I suppose to host a small dinner get together tomorrow night for Neicy & Aisha and I can barely move let alone cook.

It could have been worse. And it could have been a lot better.

As for now, this is it. Kinda new, a little exciting and definitely interesting.

Until Next Time...


Friday, February 12, 2010

It was Feb 12th...

To Vlog or not to Blog, that is the question...

Okay so, I have not done a blog in a little over 2 months. Why? Because I just haven't really thought much about it thats why! But, tonight I did. Technically it is early Saturday morning for me. But nevertheless I thought about it today and decided to do a little bloggy-blog.

So what's new???

Not a darn thing is new. Well, actually yesterday I decided to put up some hand painted stencils in my bedroom and living room area and couldn't seem to stop once I began. Well, let me just say this, anytime I begin any project or assignment I can't seem to do the bear minimum and I NEVER know when to stop I'll keep going and going and going. Some would say "she ain't got no stopping sense!" And yes, that is true, true indeed. "I ain't got NO stopping sense!" So with that being said, I began my little project yesterday. I finished it and LOVED it. I even took photos and sent them to my Mom for her to agree or disagree. Of course she loved it. Because for one I am her child and for two she thinks I am the coolest thing on planet earth. (but I am sure everyone's Mom feels the same way about their kid) And I am one of the coolest people on planet earth....

To make a long story even longer...

Like I was saying I finished my project last night. And was really satisfied with it. I then decided to go to bed and wake up early this morning and add more stuff to my walls. When I woke up I thought about it and thought about it and thought about it some more and decided that I would hold off on it. It is good right now and I really didn't think I should go forth and "over do it." So hours and hours passed and at 9pm I couldn't take it anymore. I threw on a pair of sweats, sneakers (okay not REAL sneakers cause' I don't own a pair of those-they were Converse), my hoodie, a scarf and a coat oh and a hat and ran out the door. I began my trot to the store. Headed to get some more stuff to decorate the walls in my apartment. So when I got to the store and to the home section and all of a sudden there was rumbling in my tummy. I couldn't spend the amount of time I needed nature was CALLING and I had to ANSWER. So, I grabbed some stuff (praying that it was what I wanted) and quickly decided to grab a light bulb (the light in my kitchen hasn't worked in about 2 months. Why? Because I haven't thought to get a bulb for it. Oh and because I figured the light in the bathroom and my bedroom works so why not use that to cook with) - dumb I know... but anyway. So, I quickly throw my stuff on the conveyor belt and pray to God the cash register check out lady quickly rings me up so that I can get home...

Good things come to those who wait...

So, after I got my crap and headed up the hill. My stomach was jumping all over the place. I damn near had to clench my butt cheeks together and hope and pray that I was able to make it. Whew I did...I won't get into the details of that.

Pretty is as Pretty does???

Okay, so I decide to begin with the light bulb first. I grab a chair and drag it to the kitchen area, stand on top of it and grab the light bulb to make sure it was the right size (no, I didn't do that ahead of time, why? cause I am a visual person and I assumed from the measurements I took with my eyes that it would fit) So, then I spend the next 15mins trying to figure out how to successfully remove the old/bad light bulb with out getting killed and insert the new one. When the light came on, I then realized cooking in the dark wasn't the brightest idea and I also couldn't believe how bright things were in the kitchen. Wow having light really does make a big difference. So, now off to the bedroom to put up my new fancy decorations. So, I put them on the wall and after I am done I realize I did not grab enough so now I have a half ass finished wall. I was so ticked off. I had been thinking about it all day long and now I have to go to sleep with it not being done. I guess round two will be tomorrow. I will finish it and it will be gorgeous. Simply gorgeous.

In a nutshell...

Today, I did not brush my hair. I did not put on any makeup. I cooked. I cleaned. I interneted (if that is even a word). I watched tv. I listened to music. I did a little home decor'ing. I installed a light bulb and that was it.

Nothing fancy, Nothing Exciting....

Tomorrow I will post a Vlog on my facebook page about other things that I want to talk about. But for now this is it.

Until Next Time...