Ha ha ha so I totally know I am so insanely late on posting a blog. I haven't posted a blog since June 2010. Since then I have been back to America and back and on several vacations in between. To be honest I really don't know where to begin too much has happened since my last blog but I figured since this is my last year in SoKo I will be diligent about posting blogs and will do them atleast once a month until my departure.
Last year really????...
Okay I don't know for sure if this is my last year. To be honest I absolutely LOVE it here. Well, for the most part. There are a few things I can do without such as:
1. The Staring
2. The Shoving and Pushing
3. The lack of my own automobile (which is a HUGE inconvenience---I have had my own car since the age of 16)
4. The brutal COLD
5. The lack of common sense by a lot of natives
6. The lack of common sense and ignorance of MANY foreigners
I will not go into a lot of details (or actually I will) but the ones from above is enough to drive me CRAY-ZAY!!! So, like I was saying...err typing. I really do love it here. I love the fashion, culture and the people (for the most part)but I also feel like it is time for me to return home for a little bit. How exactly long is a little bit? Well, I am not quite sure but it'll be until I SAY SO and not a minute before.
So last year???
Okay so there are so many things, people, instances that I could totally bitch about right about now but to be honest the good had totally outweighed the bad. So, I will list the top 5 things that have been the most ignorant and most mind boggling things I have heard this past year. And once I get this off of my chest I will then bypass the dumb stuff and speak about the great day I have had today....
5. Around Christmas I was invited to a Christmas Orchestra. And the woman who invited me mentioned that there would be singers from all over the world. She then asks me if I was familiar with a particular group of singers and once I told the "dumb ass" that I was not familiar with this particular group nor have I ever heard of it she then tells me they are from my "VILLAGE in AFRICA." I of course being the American that I am I WENT OFF! Of course, I went off on her and she had no idea what I was saying and or why I was so offended. So, I basically had to let that slide because she was clearly ignorant and it wasn't worth my time and or energy to explain to her that the first set of Slaves were brought from Africa in 1441 and they were first sent to Portugal and it wasn't until 1619 that Slaves came to America and I clearly can not say that my VERY extended family came from that particular Tribe. And whose to say I came from a Tribe? How do you not know my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great (that should be about 570 years ago right??) great x's500 grand mother or great x's 500 grand father wasn't a King or a Queen and wore fancy furs and diamonds on each toe and finger??? Now here we are in 2011 (well it was during Christmas when she asked me this dumb ass question) and she really thought that I lived in that particular village. Like LADY are you friggin' serious right now? Seriously??? So, needless to say this is one of the many times I have wanted to totally do a back hand slap across someone's face. But, I didn't...But I wanted to. BADLY!!!
4. Sitting in a coffee shop with a person (from CANADA) I am asked what part of Africa did I come from. Like, are you serious right now? How can you be from North America from Canada to be exact (and you know Canada is literally just right across the street from Detroit--->may I add the majority of the population in Detroit is Black American) and you have the nerve to ask me this dumb ass question. Are you serious right now? Now, I don't want to get into details of who this person was. But, let's just say she traveled to Africa last summer and has been to many other countries and lives in NORTH AMERICA and she is that IGNORANT. Now, since she clearly lives in a population of probably 1,500 people in her city in Canada and has obviously been living under a rock I politely schooled her on her ignorance and pretended that her comment was not the STUPIDEST thing I had ever heard and finished out our evening and left it at that. Have I hung out with her since? Um, not at all. She clearly needs to read a friggin' history book and become better socialized. Her parents cleared dropped the ball on this one. Or perhaps the education system in her area has totally failed her and many others in her area in Canada. Now I can understand that better coming from someone who may be an older Native Asian. But come one someone from Canada under the age of 100! That is just ridiculous!!!!
3. "I was wondering who the guy was who works in our office and when I found out he was a Nobody I stopped being nice to him!" This comment came from a dumbass American who I work with. When she made this comment I literally wanted to scream. Who says that? So, do you really think it is okay to treat average people like shit? Really dumbass? If I didn't like your country ass before I certainly don't like you now! Ugh, don't even get me started on this dumb chick...So, like my Mom use to tell me when I was a teeny tiny gorgeous child, If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. So, I won't
2. Okay so why is it that when I go to get something to eat here they only give you one of everything you need. So, lets say for instance, I go to Mcdonalds. How in the hell are you only going to give me ONE friggin' ketchup pack and ONE napkin? Like are you really serious right now? And why do you assume I want a Pepsi? Why can't you wait until I tell you what I want to drink before you assume that just because I am from Africa (ha ha ha) I like Pepsi. Seriously!!! I guess ALL Africans like Pepsi.
1. You sing like Aretha Franklin or Whitney Houston or Beyonce. Sing for us? Um, are you friggin' serious right now? So, let me get this straight I am from an African Tribe and I sing like an American woman? The things that kills me is that Oprah Winfrey is on TV everyday here. As well as Tyra Banks, Everybody loves Chris (which may I add clearly says on EVERY SINGLE episode that he is in BROOKLYN, The Game, Greys Anatomy, House and countless other shows and Beyonce, Mary J Blige, Neyo, Usher, Will I Am, Nicki Minaj, Rhianna, India Arie and many many other people are forever shaking their ass all over the TV and not ONE time did it say they are from Africa. Like seriously just because I am African (ha ha ha pun intended) I can sing? Ugh...I don't know which one bothers me the most the annoying ignorant Canadians, the stupid/frumpy Americans or the sad sad sad mis-informed Koreans.
Making a long story longer...
Now, I don't want to make it seem as though things here are awful because they are totally not. Infact if they were I would have gone home long ago. I do love it here and this is only a few of the dreadful things that have totally pissed me off. But out of the 365 days a year this is really my only complaint from 2010. Not bad huh?
On to the good stuff....
Okay so, I am on my vacay and I have spent days looking up tours and resorts and places to visit (okay not days but I did spend like an hour or two over the course of like 2 days)and I decided I didn't really want to go anywhere. I figure I can do that at any time. Also, I have lost some weight and I didn't want to put it all back on. Me and my sexy self decided to stay in and continue to watch my weight oh and stare at my sexy self in the mirror non stop. So, I did what any other girl would do. I have been shopping and hanging out and having a really awesome time with my SELF!!! And I have totally LOVED every single minute of it. One thing that I totally enjoy about hanging out with me is that I am on my own time. If I want to sleep in or have a change of plans or decide to spend extra time in one particular store or get mani's and or pedi's it is totally up to me. I find that when I hang out with others. People are always on a budget. Counting their coins and rushing you. And I find that there are not a lot of people (foreigners that is) that are like me. I like to shop, I love being pampered, I love being a girl and I have champagne taste (usually always on a Pepsi budget) but hey that's my right to spend all that I have on shoes or whatever useless item that makes me happy.
Okay so, this blog is so much longer than I actually intended for it to be....So I will be sure to post another blog this week and maybe I will throw in a couple of pictures and blah blah blah...
Alright well, that is about it. Next blog will be filled with sexy adventures, fancy stuff and juicy conversations...
Until Next Time...