Love at First Sight...

Love at First Sight...
Lanvin Happy Mini Pop Bag

Monday, March 7, 2011

Manic Monday...

Always in a hurry to wait...

So, this morning was Monday March 7,2011 and I actually woke up with than enough time to have brunch, check emails, skype and get ready for work. I actually woke up this morning at 10am. And I am not suppose to be to work until 2pm so that should have been more than enough time to get ready and be on time right???

If it is not ham it's spam....

So, after I ate lunch which consisted of Spam with onions, rice and yellow corn. Spam??? Yes, I have never had spam until I came to Korea. In fact, before coming here if a can of Spam had come to sit on my lap I wouldn't have even known what it was. Now don't get me wrong I have heard of it before. But, could I actually tell you which isle in the grocery store you can find it? No. Could I even tell you what it looked or smelled like. Definitely not. But, ask me that today and I damn sure could!!!

On to the next...

Okay so blah blah blah. Before heading out to work I did what comes completely natural to me. I painted my face, flat ironed my hair and stood in front of the teeny space I call a closet and stared at my clothes for a good 10mins before deciding to put on a sweater dress (can't go wrong with a sweater dress and a pair of boots in the winter. It's the easiest thing you can put on. It requires no iron and no effort.

Tick Tock staring at the Clock...

I leave home exactly 15mins before I am suppose to be at work (story of my life). So, I arrive to work run up the stairs immediately turn on the computer and sit and stare until it's time to go home Yoga.

Wide Load...

My Rope Yoga class is always really interesting and it is the best exercise class I have ever taken. Every class is new and exciting. But, today I had a different experience. I don't know what was wrong with me but I was really goofy and really giggly. The kind of giggle when you think of something in your head and you have to try like hell not to burst out in laughter. Well, let me tell you what I found to be hilariously funny today. For starters we were warming up on the mats and we did this one pose before getting into a "downward dog" where we had to place the palms of our hands on the mat and bend forward and look behind (imagine standing and putting your head between your legs). Well, when I did that, Lord and behold my back was facing the mirror and when I tucked my head under I realized I had the biggest ass in all of tne world. I mean obviously I am no small fry by any sense of the word. But my back side is as wide as hell and instead of me being humiliated and embarrased it was the funniest thing in the world to me.I do not know why it was hilariously funny that my one wide ass cheek makes two ass cheeks of a Korean woman. I just shook my head and thought to my self "Self, that's a damn shame!" Nevertheless, Yoga was really good aside from the fact that I should have skipped the vaseline on my feet this morning because as a result of that I was slipping and sliding all over the Yoga Studio today. I will definitely make a mental note to NEVER do that again.

All that glitters...

After yoga I headed home to relax and unwind. Oh, I have a brand new favorite thing for the past week or so. It is my Silver Diamond and Glitter Top Coat. I ADORE it. One thing I love about being in S Korea is that the nail polishes and the removers are not as toxic as they are in the states. So, now I can do manicures every few days. So anywho...I love my new polish and I apply it as a top coat on a million different colors and it is so super cute! I am dying to get my Crackle polish in the mail from my mom along with my new lipstick, girlscout thin mints and my earrings that I ordered from my favorite online store that will be too gorgeous during the warmer months.


Okay so other than that nothing new nothing fun and nothing exciting is going on with me. Today was overall a Delicious Day!

Until Next Time...