Wednesday, 2nd of June...
Glam or No Glam...
Today, I did not put on any clothes, make-up, shoes or even pants for that matter. I did absolutely nothing and that is exactly what I wanted to do and I enjoyed every single second of it.
Long Time No Chat...Or Blog...
Alright, So I can't believe it has been so long since my last Blog. The month of February seems like such a blur. There is no way I can catch you up on all that I have done because I can't even remember all that I have done. It has been much to long. So, how about I start from today.
Nope, Nada, Nothing, Zilch, None, Zero...
So, I am suppose to be typing something fun, interesting, exciting and completely worth while. But I got NOTHING. In fact the other day I was fbook chatting with a friend and my friend asks "So, Shayla tell me about you what have you been up to?" My response "Nothing at all." Her response "Shayla, how is that possible?" Well, it totally is. I haven't been up to anything. Or maybe nothing that I find worth telling. I think in the honeymoon phase of my transition here to SoKo (S Korea) everything was so interesting and fascinating I felt that I had to take a million pictures of everything and felt the need to capture every single possible moment. Nowadays, not so much. SoKo has become home and there isn't really much that I have to tell anymore.
Speaking of...
Actually I do have one thing to tell. So, as everyone knows who is a fbook friend of mine, I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Sex and the City movie. It came out in the States about 2wks ago and it wont be here until the 10th of June. Which by the way, is marked on my Calendar at home and everywhere else (as if I am going to actually forget the date). I have seen every single Sex and the City HBO episode and I play the Sex and the City DVD atleast 2 a month so you could only imagine how I am about to burst at the seams.
Tougher than Usual...
This blog I think is the hardest that I have had to write, normally I can go on and on about any possible random subject but when ya' got nothing ya' got nothing to type.
Wait I do have a lil' something...
Well, I do have one more teeny tiny thing to tell. I began cooking! Yes, I cook dinner almost every night now. I even subscribed to Betty Croker (that online site) and I have an online Recipe Box. Nope, I am not cooking Korean Food at home and in case you are wondering I still don't have a Korean Cell phone and I still speak hardly any Korean. I am an American Girl living in a Korean world (well country) and that is exactly how I like it. So, back to this cooking thing. I am pretty good at it too. I still need to working on my seasoning skills I think I tend to over season almost everything but things are looking and tasting good. Darn good if you ask me.
What else...
That's it! I think maybe I am trying to remember something worth telling. Something fun and exciting but I can't think of a damn thing. I know I did something since February that was totally interesting...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yea actually I do have some juicy stuff to tell. But it's late here and I am getting so super sleepy. I will write it down (if I remember) and I will tell it all in the next Blog.
Alright well that is it. Nothing new & Nothing exciting...
Until Next Time...
Hopefully our Adventures in Everland will give you more things to blog about later this month!