And it all falls down...
So, this is how it began. Last week I was up late at night (as usual) and I decided to check out my bootleg movie website to see if my beloved "Sex and the City" was up and running. I did the normal procedure of opening the website and finding the best quality and began to get all warm and fuzzy when all of a sudden my screen went black. I thought, oh hell, now what is this? But, I didn't panic I did what any other laptop junkie would do. I shut off my computer. Flipped it over, took out the battery "blew on it" and thought voila.
Pick up the pieces...
So once I put the battery piece back into the back of my laptop and turned it back on I just knew that it would be up and running as it had been before. It starts and that same annoying black screen comes up telling me it needs to be re-started so I then click all of the necessary buttons so that it is able to start on it's own.
2 days and 15 hours later with No Skype, No Facebook and no G-Mail...
My computer is back up and running. So, because my schedule with work was so hectic it took me a little longer than I wanted to get it fixed. But, nevertheless, It was fixed. Now is it back to new? It sure is. So new that it's naked! Everything was wiped off of my computer! In order for the Computer Tech chick to fix my laptop she had to delete all of the files on my laptop. All of my pictures, videos, music and gadgets were completely removed! My laptop was so pimped out everything was perfectly displayed so that I didn't even have to read and or think. All I had to do was look at a picture and open it's page. Now I feel like I am back in the stone ages. I have to manually search for websites, actually read and pay attention to everything I do. Now, on the bright side my laptop is running perfectly. On the downside, all of the setting are in KOREAN. Now you are probably wondering how in the hell are you able to read that. I absolutely can not. But after clicking all Korean words on each page I have some way mastered figuring out how to get by memorizing how to open and close and get through each page. Eventually, I will take my laptop back and get that shit off of there. But, in the mean time atleast I am learning a lot more Korean than what I knew and in no time I should be speaking fluent Korean. Even though the words will only be computer related but hey, I'll sound super smart and intelligent.
Summer Breeze...
So, the weather here in SoKo has been so insanely delicious! The sun is out and there is a bit of a breeze and it feels good to have removed all the layers of clothing that I was wearing just a few months ago. The shitty part is that I still don't feel like myself here. Normally I am really into the way I look I love clothes and shoes and makeup and all pretty things. Shoes and clothes are my thing. That is what I am known for. Here, not so much. I feel so blah! I don't have my stuff with me. Now, a lot of my things were sent but I just don't have it in me. I just don't have the desire to really get dolled up. I have never been the type to dress for others it was always for me. Never for attention or to show off or anything like that. Only for me. Now, don't get me wrong I still wake up every morning and paint my face and flat iron my hair. But, truth be told. I rarely put on a pair of heels. Infact, only recently I began wearing heels again and that is only because I will be home in August and all of my shoes are high heels and I need to get back use to wearing them. But, back to what I was saying. I just don't have the desire to get dressed. SoKo is very fashion forward so you would think that I totally would be into it. But, I feel the exact opposite. In fact, I feel very girl next door. Very plain jane. Something that I have NEVER been and I kinda' like it. I think I am so low key because no one actually expects anything from me here. Here I am just Shayla. Back home. I was "SHAYLA." Very trendy. If the latest technology came out I was one of the first to have whether it was a phone, dress, shoes or purse I had to have it first! Now, not at all. Maybe that is the American me. But the Korean me is like "fuck it." now, like I said, I still get dressed but only when I feel like it not when it is expected.
If I ruled the world...
Now, like I said, Summer is here and I am kinda missing Florida things. For some reason I miss the beach, I miss Summer Dresses with Crazy High Heels, I miss Rita Pita, I miss my niece Angel, BBM'ing, talking on the phone with friends all night and all morning who are in the same time zone, lunch dates with my Mom, singing to the top of my lungs while driving my pimped out car and listening to satellite radio, my high heels, my handbags, my accessories, my old place and a bunch of other things. I think I'll be okay when I return home this summer and have access to my things. And when I return back to SoKo that should be enough to hold me over until I return back home sometime next year. Or maybe I will find that those things aren't really all that important. On second thought it totally is all that important and I can't wait to have it all back!
That's that...
Alright, well, nothing fun, nothing exciting. Just a day in my life in my thoughts with me.
Until Next Time...
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