Love at First Sight...

Love at First Sight...
Lanvin Happy Mini Pop Bag

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

so this is how it's gonna be???

so, as promised i am going to begin posting my blogs atleast twice a week. it was way too hard trying to remember each day of the week for one posting on sunday.

so here we go...


so i went to bed so insanely early monday morning. i slept so late in the evening on sunday i was up the entire night and most of that morning. so i woke up quite early and did my usual routine. of course i showered, flat ironed my hair (speaking of flat ironing my hair i had no choice but to flat iron my hair as a result of my curling iron dying on me). so anyway, so i headed to work. today was not as smooth as it normally is. it just seemed like such a long day. perhaps it was as a result of having such a stressful weekend. well, not really stressful but well, i am not quite sure. i will just call it "uneventful."so at work i was somewhat irritable which i tried not to display my "mood." perhaps it was a combination of going to bed seriously late or just "one of those days." monday i had nothing much going on.

which brings me to tuesday...

so yesterday was my late day i am not scheduled to be to work until pretty late in the afternoon. upon my arrival i was told that i had a presentation scheduled for sometime in november, however, my "idea" of my presentation was due on thursday in addition to so many other assignments that must be completed before the end of the week. i was like wtf is going on. seriously. how do i go from doing my own thing to working like a slave on a hot summer day in 1903. (well, i better not say that, that wasn't nice huh?) but anyway, you get my drift. so of course when i got the news i politely rolled my eyes. sucked my teeth did a half ass smile and said through clenced teeth "sure, no problem i will have all 4 projects completed for you by friday." (but in my head i was like "oh no dis b-*c@ didn't!") but, i successfully completed my day and on the way home i stopped my the accountants office to say "have a good day" and i as shown 2 boxes that had arrived from my mom with goodies from my mom and my aunt. i was excited to get home and crack open my box. really put me in a good mood. i finally went home with a smile on my face and tore into my box and then diligently worked on the tasks that were placed before. in a way, i have nothing to complain about. i work with the best staff in my city and they really take care of me and they show me so much love. and i definitely want to continue a good relationship with them. and technically they really don't ask for much. but sometimes i'm like "yea okay, you want me to do wha????" overall today was a great day! when i got home i changed clothes and did a little grocery shopping. i had to pick up grocery for the rest of the week.

is it weird for you because it's not weird for me...

so, remember i just said i had to go by the grocery store after work. just as i was finishing up and heading to the front counter to check out. i realized i had to go and make a quick exchange. i run through the store and guess who i spot. (remember a few weeks back, i mentioned someone here being hella concerned because they were deleted from my fbook page?) well, i spot this person in the store and not thinking they were not on my page any longer (because it is not that serious right?) i say "hey girl how are you? long time no see?" not really thinking about the entire fbook issue. because for me she was only one of the almost 200 people that i had zero contact with and was just randomly deleted from page. so, it was so obvious that she was so nervous to talk to me. she was turning red. not really making eye contact. acting as if she had been bitten by a rabid rabbit. she eventually warmed up to me and by that time i thought she was 100% insane and politely ended the conversation with a "alright girlie it was nice see ya, don't be a stranger and i gotta' get home before my butter melts." i really don't understand these chicks now a days. seriously there is not a huge age difference between she and i. but it just seems like there is such an immaturity level. the girls worry about the wrong things non stop and are so unable to keep their composure. hell when i was 22 i had graduated. and had a career as a traveling photographer. and living on my own. these kids are just lame and so wrapped up in the wrong things. (such as fbook friendships, worrying about what people think of them and so on and so forth...just lame really lame)

and today is wednesday...

so i actually went to bed early last night. i was so on top of things i completed 2 out of the 4 "projects" and i was kicking ass and taking names and feeling really good about the amount of work i had completed and was satisfied with the completion of my assignment. i went to bed relatively early (well early for me is like 1am). before i went to bed i powered off my laptop and i realized that there was some kind of maintenance that was automatically running on my laptop. i put it to "sleep" placed it on my desk and went to bed. i was feeling good i didn't have to wake up until really late

why is my phone going off before my blackberry???

i was sleeping so hard, so peacefully so snug in a bug like a rug (ha ha i made a funny). and i be damned if my phone was not ringing at like 9:15am. (mind you, i was not scheduled to be to work until 1:30 and i didn't need to be up until 12pm). i get an urgent call indicating that i needed to submit one of my "projects" asap. i am like okay. i would be more than happy to come into work a few mins early and transfer my presentation from my usb to your inbox or even print out my plan. right? um, not so much. it appears it was needed asap. and the best option was for me to send the presentation as an attachment from my laptop into the "inbox" of the requested person. i thought. oh okay no problem i will get it to you asap. so, i got the email information. confirmed the address and ended the call with "it's on its way!" now i open my laptop and notice the screen says it has 6 completed out of the 9 configurations. so what do i do? do i power off the computer possibly losing all data and screwing up my laptop or do i call the person back and tell her to hell with that shit i will bring it to you when i get my ass to work. no sooner or no later. peace! i did the first option. i (even though my laptop clearly stated to not close down my laptop and to wait for the configuration to be completed) i closed it down anyway and even proceeded to flip it over and take out the battery. (what in the hell was i thinking???) i then power it back up and nothing. not a damn thing pops up on my screen. by this point i am like oh hell no! so i shut it down and restart it. i do this for a good 10 mins. i then say a silent prayer go and take a shower waiting for a miracle. i get out of the shower and still nothing. so i am livid by this point. oh i am cursing and shouting to the top of my lungs. so pissed at my self. so pissed that i had to send this assignment instead of waiting until my laptop finished configuring. i decided to get dressed and go into work a good 3 hours early. i was playing out in my head what i was going to say and who i was going to say it to. oh i was pissed. then all of a sudden. something (God) told me to go back to the computer and restart it. just as i did an actual image on my screen came up and it restarted. i was able to send the file without any problems. i said thank you to God and proceeded to finish getting ready for work. now ordinarily i dont go into to work early on the days i go in late. so today, i decided to go ahead and go in about an hour early and have lunch and proceed with the rest of my work day. my day went really well. i had a really productive day and things ended much better than what they began.
and then i am home...

so remember yesterday i casually mentioned i went to the grocery store. well, today when i get home i decide to make dinner. and my dinner was going to consist of american food: french fries and fried beef tips. so i grab the "oil" that i grabbed from the store yesterday. i skype with my mom and ask her how much oil do you put in the pan when making fries (as i haven't actually really owned a pot set a day in my life-i am a george foreman, microwave kinda gal). my moms reply was "quite a bit." i then notice the oil is really watery. and i don't think too much of it. i then sprinkle a little bit in another pan to cook my tips. as the pot with the broccoli comes to a boil i realize that it looks like water and it smells kinda funny. i place the pot right under my nose and take a whiff and my nostrils burn as i inhale the fumes of vinegar. now just who in the hell goes to the store and purchases vinegar mistaking it for cooking oil? me thats who! can you believe it? now yesterday i had made the exact same meal minus the french fries. so my mom asks out of curiosity (we were still chatting on skype) "did you not notice that yesterday?" and "how did you fry your meat in vinegar yesterday shayla." hell. i don't know her guess was as good as mine. i guess i am the lame one after all. here i am calling people lame every change i get. and thinking everyone is totally and utterly ridiculous and i take my crazy to the store and not only do i purchase vinegar instead of cooking oil but i cook with it two days in a row. mistaking it for oil. and does not make the discovery until way after the fact.

so...overall this week has been good. i have been so super busy this week. but it could be worse. i could be bored to tears. and have nothing to do. i know some are probably saying. i must not be too damn busy taking time to write this long ass blog. but to those i say. mind your own damn business and you're lame!

until next time...


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday October 18th

okay so first and foremost, it has been exactly a week since posting my last blog. and i must say i am having a difficult time remember each day so that i am able to update this blog. i know there are a lot of things that happened during the course of the week but i can't vividly remember them. so, with that being said i think that i will no longer delay posting a blog until each sunday.

so today, i will blog about the last two goes...

so, actually let me start with friday night.

here goes...

friday night, i touch bases with miss emma and suggest that she give me a call the following morning. and when she calls me i would consider that my wake up call and i would go ahead and take my time getting ready, have breakfast and get my things together for my wkend trip out of town. i end up staying up pretty late friday night and all of a sudden waking up with the sunday sun peeping through my bedroom window.

here comes saturday...

so, my black berry/ alarm wakes me up hella' early but i decide to shut it off anticipating emma's phone call. i guess i fall back asleep and the next thing i know i awakened again look at the clock and it is after after 12:45pm saturday afternoon. i immediately jump out of bed. reach for the phone and dial up emma. no answer. by this time i am thinking one of two things. perhaps she called me this morning and i was so tired i missed the call. and then i realized i have never slept that hard that i wouldn't be able to hear the phone ringing. i mean c'mon it is in the same room with me less than 20 feet away. so then i think perhaps she changed her mind. i decide at that point to go ahead and make myself "brunch" and skype my mom. hoping to hear from emma soon. one way or another.

suncheon? what already? huh?

so, i st down to eat my breakfast and next thing you know my phone rings. emma called to let me know that she was just about in suncheon (my city) and that she will call me as soon as she arrives. i immediately think. oh no. let me hurry up and eat and get ready to get out of here. as soon as i finish my breakfast (which by the way consisted of 2 pancakes) my phone rings and emma tells me she is at the bus station and to take my time getting ready the bus for busan was not scheduled to depart for another hour and a half (depart time of 3pm). so, then i think okay cool but then i think well, that means we wont get to busan until way late (busan is 3 hours away).

just in the nick of time...

so, i literally shower, paint my face put on my clothes and shoes pack a few things for the trip and run out of the door. with about 45mins to get to the bus station. ordinarily this is more than enough time. today not so much. for the first time ever, i had the most courteous korean driver ever. my driver decided to let every person cross the street. not cut off cars and drive less than the speed limit. and of ALL days he decided to do this today!

open up...

i literally pulled up to the bus station at exactly 2:58. i hauled ass from the cab across the street and ran into the bus station. in search for emma. emma was there with tickets in hand. we hurriedly went to the bus just as the doors shut and the driver was backing out of the parking space. we made it just in time.

next stop potatoes and powerade...

so, about 45mins into the bus ride. we pulled over to a rest stop and got off. i decided NOT to go to the restroom i had just left home not too long ago right? we went into the store and grabbed snacks. i decided to go with powerade. emma and i both decided to grab the potatos that were on the grill cooking. even though my first mind told me to get the corndog.

back on the bus...

now, i told myself that i wouldn't drink too much powerade as there is not a bathroom on the bus. as promised i drank less than half of the powerade and stuck the rest in my purse. all of a sudden out of nowhere, i had to go pee! and i had to go really bad. really really bad! i am sitting on the bus almost in a panic as i uncomfortably sit in my seat frantically looking around the bus hoping to spot an empty isle so that i am able to pee in a cup or something. if i didn't go i was going to wet my pants. how tragic would that be? i finally am forced to ask emma to give me her empty drinking cup and i ask her to switch seats with me as i carefully pull down my leggings and attempt to pee in this cup. because of the stress of literally being assed out on a bus full of people as much as i wanted and needed to go. NOTHING would come out. i then angrily sat there about to cry and wet my pants looking from left to right in search of any possible sign that we were now in busan and ready to get off the damn bus.

bright lights and coat tails...

so, then i finally notice people on the bus gathering their belongings and we approach a city. i am overjoyed that we have arrived. however, by this point i am praying to God that when i stand i don't completely wet my pants. i stand up and as soon as the bus comes to a stop i bolt off of the bus and go into the bathroom where there is a line. i be DAMN. and then someone comes out of the stall and i hurriedly go in and it was the best minute of my life. free at last free at last. thank God almight my urine is free at last!!!!

fire what???

so once we get situated we give cici a ring and we ask how do we get to where she is. cici tells us how to get to the fireworks via subway. we follow the instructions and about 45mins later arrive in the area where the fireworks display are to take place.

move it or lose it sista....

so then after walking for another 15 mins we arrive. well kinda. my word. there were a million plus people there. seriously. there was no way we were going to get close to the beach (where the fireworks were happening) without pushing and elbowing people out of our way. i decide to stand to the side and watch the fireworks in the sky. it was pandemonium at it's finest. it was odd that there was no security to direct the crowd. just thousands and thousands and thousands of people hanging out.

i'm over it...

emma and i decide either we are going to push our way to the front or leave. we decided to go with the last option. we left. heading back to the bus terminal. we were planning to get something to eat in that area and quickly catch our bus back that same night.

dinner for two, three or four....

after walking around i spot a really cute restaurant and ask emma if we should try it out. it was a self serve/cook buffet korean bbq place. great choice.

gwanju or suncheon...

so emma reminds me that if we are going to get the bus back tonight we should finally get out of the restaurant. after realizing she was completely right we leave and go back to the bus terminal.

making a long story longer...

so, needless to say we got turned around on the subway ride back to the bus terminal and ended up missing our bus and we had to stay the night in a hotel. correction motel.

suncheon bound...

after, finding a motel and sleeping un-peacefully. we were up first thing this morning and caught the bus back home. emma heading to gwanju me on a direct bus back to suncheon.

never so happy...

i was so super excited to be back home. i immediately got home. showered, washed my hair put my clothes in the dirty clothes bin, skyped my mom. loaded my photos on fbook and crashed. waking up about 7hrs later.

that was my wkend. nothing to brag about. it was interesting. let's just put it this way the next tme i go to busan i will leave much earlier or not go at all.

until next time...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday October 11th i think the last time i posted a blog was either on this past monday or tuesday. so, i will do like i usually do and catch you up on the days that have passed up until today. how's that? okay...

here goes tuesday..
tuesday i got up super early. i showered, pulled my hair back, painted my face, got dressed and headed out of the door. today i made it a point to go by the store to get mr lee a bottle of soju. and i had planned to mysteriously leave the alcoholic beverage along with the note that i had someone to write for me (with my name and a heart at the bottom-all written in korean of course) and i was to place this on the desk of mr lee and begin my day. so i purchased the soju hailed a cab and arrived to work.

not so fast...
so, i, as always, enter the building. take off my shoes, put on my "indoor slippers" grab the bottle of soju and the letter and head to mr. lee's office. and of course when i walk in the door none other than mr lee is sitting at his desk working away. i then say my anna-ah-say-ohhhs and place the items on mr lee's desk. his face lights up like a christmas tree as he reads the note. he then asks me (in not so many english words) who wrote this for me. i simply tilt my head to the side wink and walk away. mr lee yells from hallway..."shayla thanks so much, i not anger ever no more, yesterday all entertainment." i then tell mr lee of course i know that but i still want to keep him in my good graces. so then i scurry off and begin my day.

so as usual i get up and go to work and have a really good day. i come home from work and then i do the fbook thing, the gmail thing and the skype thing. as i am chatting with an old friend and he tells me that for lunch he had a peanut and butter sandwich i suddenly had the biggest craving for an american pb&j. i quickly end our email conversation with a "brb." put on a pair of sweats with a hoodie, throw on my sneakers and run to Kims Corner. I get peanut butter and Jelly. i then return home and have one of the best meals that i have had all week. i just don't remember pb&j being so yummy. it was amazing. needless to say i had 2 pb&j's and went to bed happy and less hungry. now i know you are probably wondering now how in the hell am i going to get so super sexy before i head to america especially while eating pb&j and pizza hut every chance i get. well, to answer that question. hell if i know. but i will get it together soon. i am missing some american things and i had a moment and i will get back on track soon..on to thursday.

i do not remember this day. i am assuming it was a fabulous day and i will just leave it at that. so then we have friday.

oh i remember friday. so, i decided on this day that i would begin exercising just a little. not too much but a little a day would be a great way to start. i decided to only take the taxi in the mornings to work and catch the bus home everyday. mike was to show me the ropes on catching the bus from work and making it back home. so, in order to make that happen we agreed to meet up around 5pm and head on over to the bus stop.

all aboard...
so yes the bus stop from work was about 10-15min walk. and it was a straight shot. in fact i am wondering why i haven't been doing this. so we got on the bus and awaiting our stop.

next stop shidae...
so then, we get off at our stop which is across the street from kim's club. now as often as i walk to and from the kims club this should be no problem right? um, so wrong. lord have mercy. now as you know the kims club is down the hill. it is not far in distance but it is DOWN the hill. and taking that hike up the hill from the bus stop was tragic. oh my goodness. i was sweating so bad. my legs were quivering and i felt muscles popping up from every chubby spot on my body. when i crawled up the hill i realized how out of shape i am and how i have got to seriously get my act together. but i will begin with babysteps. instead of eating 2 pb&j sandwich's tonight, i will only have 1 and a half. :-)

so today i had to get up hella' early for a day that i am suppose to be off of work and i get dressed, half ass flat iron my hair and get dressed to head out for a work related presentation.

how was it...
actually it was not so bad. would i have preferred to be sleeping or in seoul like i had planned? yes. but it all in all it wasn't too bad. not so bad at all.

so since i wasn't able to make it to seoul for the fabulous wkend that emma and josie and i had planned we had to do the next best thing. we decided to meet up in gwanju for a girls day. what did we do in gwanju? eat, eat some more and eat some more!!!!! oh and we saw a movie and ate some more. overall it was a good time. a good relaxing, chill time. (pics are on my fbook page)

alright, i am super tired and i must get some rest as i have a busy day at work tomorrow at it is late sunday night for me and i have to get my things together before tomorrow.

until next time...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

sunday october 4, 2009

so, this week not too much has happened. but i will fill you in on the details that were somewhat important.

so lets see...
since, about a week has passed i will begin with the most recent days.

so, on thursday i went to kim's club. what in the world is kim's club? kim's club is a grocery store here similiar to florida's publix, it has a lot of familiar items in there such as american chips and salsa, american salad dressings and etc. so, it is by far one of my favorite places to go. aside from that it is on the basement floor of a shopping mall. kinda like a two for one deal. so, i went to the kim's club and got a few items for the week and was so completely turned around in the store. i kept going the wrong way in the store. went up the wrong isle. i was back and forth during the entire time i was there. so, i eventually found the items i needed made my purchase and left.

today, was a good day. i had a really short day at work. today, was the day before my vacation is scheduled to start. beginning tomorrow, there is a holiday in s korea called Chusek it is a korea thanksgiving. it is similiar to america's christmas where the families get together celebrate by eating traditional korean foods and exchanging gifts. so thankfully, for this i am on vacation for work until tuesday. so i was excited to leave work early and begin my first korean holiday.

so, speaking of beginning my first korean holiday, today i am to get up early and await rachel's phone call so that we are able to spend the day exploring her city. who is rachel? rachel is my assistant. thank God for rachel. she has really assisted me with so many things during my korean tenure. i have had the luxury of having miss rachel to go to the grocery store with me and for me. arrange bus times and ticket arrangements for me and assist me with every possible issue that i have or could have come across since being in s korea. she has been a blessing for and to me. so with that being said. rachel has planned a day for me to go out with her and her family. i got up early friday morning. showered, flat ironed my hair, lightly painted my face and got dressed and patiently awaited her phone call.

got the call...
so, rachel gave me a call and instructed for me to meet her outside of my building. i went down stairs and we were off. we drove about an hour and a half and arrived to a restaurant. we arrived to this restaurant and we didn't know quite what to order from the menu. it seems that rachel and her family were really concerned about what i would enjoy and what i wouldn't enjoy. they actually waited for me to decide on a menu item before they even attempted to look at the menu. to them i did not matter that i was unable to read korean and it certainly did not matter that i was not familiar with all of the different kinds of foods that were displayed on the out and insides of the menu. their only concern was for me to chose a meal.

mm mm good...
so we decided on a chicken dish with a lot of vegetables. it seems like it has been forever since i have had regular vegetables. just plain ole' broccoli or plain ole' peas or corn. just basic stuff. the kind of vegetable that you just add butter too. so when my meal arrived (raw of course, we had to cook it on the table) once it was done it was delicious. i finally had fresh vegetables. plain fresh vegetables. i really enjoyed my mean and i really enjoyed the company that my meal was eaten with.

almost paradise...
so we arrive to our next location and i wont get into too many details about it. i have uploaded enough photos onto my facebook page for you to get the jist of how insanely fabulous my day was with rachel and her family. the view was breathtaking and it was amazing!

on to monday...
overall i had a really great wkend. very relaxing and i was in the company of great people. so, here comes monday. well sunday night i asked Emma Boo to give me a wakeup call (to make sure i was up early and on time to head out-although i was off of work still on my mini vacation there were a few errands that i needed to run) needless to say when Emma called me first thing monday morning. i was super tired. i had literally just fallen asleep only a few hours before she awakened me. but hell, i got up showered, half ass flat ironed my hair threw on some clothes put on a pair of sneakers and sprinted out the door.

why the rush on your vacation....
so, today i was going to take a stab at opening up a global bank account all by myself in s korea. without the help of rachel or anyone else. all by myself (well that and the note i had someone to write for me in korean at the school...he he he). so i held my little note with the grip of death as i hailed a taxi and climbed into the back seat and made the request for him to take me to the bank.

it works for me...
so, i arrived to the bank. walked in and was taken care of from the moment i sat down. i wont go into details (as i am trying to shorten this up and hit the sack) but i will just say that God has truly had my back. my additional banking account was opened with out any issues and i was good to go! more errands were to be ran after this. so i think i will skip the details of monday and head to tuesday...

so, i got up this morning. shut of my alarm. sat on the side of the bed and said "shit that went by too damn fast!" (why am i cursing on my blog? because that is exactly how i felt when my feet hit the floor this morning.) so, what did i do. I got my ass up and got ready for work is what i did. i showered, curled my hair (yup no flat iron today), painted my face and got dolled up and headed to work (well, after i skyped, emailed and fbooked).

so how'd it go???
so i arrived to work and i made my rounds by saying hello to every single person in eye sight. just as i was make my way to my room. i hear mr. lee's voice. of course i am like , "what now?" so i smiled and walked to the office and said "yes mister lee." (almost in the same voice as ciley from the color purple) he then tells me is angry with me. and i am like really? huh? and what? he proceeds to tell me that the bills i gave him for my apartment one of them is past due and that i should have given him the bill the day before it was due and not the day of. i of course. smile and say "ah mister lee, i am in korea and i am just stressed out and i forgot. i'm american you know how we are." he then just smiled and said never do it again. he joked about how he would kill me if i did it again and he even rolled his eyes at me. but i clearly understood he was joking although he was serious about me giving him past due bills. so i assured him it wouldn't happen again. until next time...he he he. he then thought that was seriously funny and kicked me out of his office.

what next....
so of course, there are two people you never want to piss off at you job. the head boss and your accountant. more so the accountant. because hell even if you make things tragic with you and the boss if you are cool with the accountant you're final pay check will be what it's suppose to be. so i of course, i had someone to write a letter of apology (in a funny/lovey way) to mister lee. in korean only with love shayla at the end. i will give this to him tomorrow with a bottle of soju (soju would be like a 40 once in the states.) i figured if i goof up and make this mistake again, my pay will always be on time and will always be right. i have got to keep mister lee on my good side and i need to stay on his good side.

so then...
i get home i unwind and relax. i check my emails, fbook and skype for a few. so now with this fbook thing. it appears that i have pissed off another person on fbook. how in the world do i keep pissing off fbook people? i am not so sure. well there was a comment that i posted on an old friends wall that appeared to be offensive to the one of her potential clients. hell, i didn't even know who the client was nor did i mean for it to come off as if i was actually talking about this character. which by the way i still don't even know. i didn't even bother to google him either. so, the situation is that a friend and myself were joking about me being a leo and she being an aries and just happens this person who could have been offended is also an aries. yea, silly i know. but hell. i am just so over the formalities of fbook. and people wearing fbook on their sleeves. so i guess at this point. my whole thing is when people do things i dont like on fbook i simply delete. well hell that is not true. i delete people from my fbook page for apparently no reason. hell if you never say hi to me...delete. but thats just how i operate my fbook page. so the point that i am making is this. so fbook is a computer generated page right? if you don't like the comments you can do one of two things. you can delete the comment. and tell the person hey don't post that on my page. you can change your settings and just make it so that people are not able to post comments on your page or i just thought of a third suggestion. you can simply do what i do. delete the person from your page. easy enough right? so with that being said. yup i can be very misunderstood. and guess what. i just don't really give a damn...((as long as i have the right people by my side the silly non-sense doesn't really matter))

okay so that was that for today. nothing too exciting nothing to funny and or adventurous. just another day in my little life.

until next time!