so today, i will blog about the last two goes...
so, actually let me start with friday night.
here goes...
friday night, i touch bases with miss emma and suggest that she give me a call the following morning. and when she calls me i would consider that my wake up call and i would go ahead and take my time getting ready, have breakfast and get my things together for my wkend trip out of town. i end up staying up pretty late friday night and all of a sudden waking up with the sunday sun peeping through my bedroom window.
here comes saturday...
so, my black berry/ alarm wakes me up hella' early but i decide to shut it off anticipating emma's phone call. i guess i fall back asleep and the next thing i know i awakened again look at the clock and it is after after 12:45pm saturday afternoon. i immediately jump out of bed. reach for the phone and dial up emma. no answer. by this time i am thinking one of two things. perhaps she called me this morning and i was so tired i missed the call. and then i realized i have never slept that hard that i wouldn't be able to hear the phone ringing. i mean c'mon it is in the same room with me less than 20 feet away. so then i think perhaps she changed her mind. i decide at that point to go ahead and make myself "brunch" and skype my mom. hoping to hear from emma soon. one way or another.
suncheon? what already? huh?
so, i st down to eat my breakfast and next thing you know my phone rings. emma called to let me know that she was just about in suncheon (my city) and that she will call me as soon as she arrives. i immediately think. oh no. let me hurry up and eat and get ready to get out of here. as soon as i finish my breakfast (which by the way consisted of 2 pancakes) my phone rings and emma tells me she is at the bus station and to take my time getting ready the bus for busan was not scheduled to depart for another hour and a half (depart time of 3pm). so, then i think okay cool but then i think well, that means we wont get to busan until way late (busan is 3 hours away).
just in the nick of time...
so, i literally shower, paint my face put on my clothes and shoes pack a few things for the trip and run out of the door. with about 45mins to get to the bus station. ordinarily this is more than enough time. today not so much. for the first time ever, i had the most courteous korean driver ever. my driver decided to let every person cross the street. not cut off cars and drive less than the speed limit. and of ALL days he decided to do this today!
open up...
i literally pulled up to the bus station at exactly 2:58. i hauled ass from the cab across the street and ran into the bus station. in search for emma. emma was there with tickets in hand. we hurriedly went to the bus just as the doors shut and the driver was backing out of the parking space. we made it just in time.
next stop potatoes and powerade...
so, about 45mins into the bus ride. we pulled over to a rest stop and got off. i decided NOT to go to the restroom i had just left home not too long ago right? we went into the store and grabbed snacks. i decided to go with powerade. emma and i both decided to grab the potatos that were on the grill cooking. even though my first mind told me to get the corndog.
back on the bus...
now, i told myself that i wouldn't drink too much powerade as there is not a bathroom on the bus. as promised i drank less than half of the powerade and stuck the rest in my purse. all of a sudden out of nowhere, i had to go pee! and i had to go really bad. really really bad! i am sitting on the bus almost in a panic as i uncomfortably sit in my seat frantically looking around the bus hoping to spot an empty isle so that i am able to pee in a cup or something. if i didn't go i was going to wet my pants. how tragic would that be? i finally am forced to ask emma to give me her empty drinking cup and i ask her to switch seats with me as i carefully pull down my leggings and attempt to pee in this cup. because of the stress of literally being assed out on a bus full of people as much as i wanted and needed to go. NOTHING would come out. i then angrily sat there about to cry and wet my pants looking from left to right in search of any possible sign that we were now in busan and ready to get off the damn bus.
bright lights and coat tails...
so, then i finally notice people on the bus gathering their belongings and we approach a city. i am overjoyed that we have arrived. however, by this point i am praying to God that when i stand i don't completely wet my pants. i stand up and as soon as the bus comes to a stop i bolt off of the bus and go into the bathroom where there is a line. i be DAMN. and then someone comes out of the stall and i hurriedly go in and it was the best minute of my life. free at last free at last. thank God almight my urine is free at last!!!!
fire what???
so once we get situated we give cici a ring and we ask how do we get to where she is. cici tells us how to get to the fireworks via subway. we follow the instructions and about 45mins later arrive in the area where the fireworks display are to take place.
move it or lose it sista....
so then after walking for another 15 mins we arrive. well kinda. my word. there were a million plus people there. seriously. there was no way we were going to get close to the beach (where the fireworks were happening) without pushing and elbowing people out of our way. i decide to stand to the side and watch the fireworks in the sky. it was pandemonium at it's finest. it was odd that there was no security to direct the crowd. just thousands and thousands and thousands of people hanging out.
i'm over it...
emma and i decide either we are going to push our way to the front or leave. we decided to go with the last option. we left. heading back to the bus terminal. we were planning to get something to eat in that area and quickly catch our bus back that same night.
dinner for two, three or four....
after walking around i spot a really cute restaurant and ask emma if we should try it out. it was a self serve/cook buffet korean bbq place. great choice.
gwanju or suncheon...
so emma reminds me that if we are going to get the bus back tonight we should finally get out of the restaurant. after realizing she was completely right we leave and go back to the bus terminal.
making a long story longer...
so, needless to say we got turned around on the subway ride back to the bus terminal and ended up missing our bus and we had to stay the night in a hotel. correction motel.
suncheon bound...
after, finding a motel and sleeping un-peacefully. we were up first thing this morning and caught the bus back home. emma heading to gwanju me on a direct bus back to suncheon.
never so happy...
i was so super excited to be back home. i immediately got home. showered, washed my hair put my clothes in the dirty clothes bin, skyped my mom. loaded my photos on fbook and crashed. waking up about 7hrs later.
that was my wkend. nothing to brag about. it was interesting. let's just put it this way the next tme i go to busan i will leave much earlier or not go at all.
until next time...
This post was too funny!