so here we go...
so i went to bed so insanely early monday morning. i slept so late in the evening on sunday i was up the entire night and most of that morning. so i woke up quite early and did my usual routine. of course i showered, flat ironed my hair (speaking of flat ironing my hair i had no choice but to flat iron my hair as a result of my curling iron dying on me). so anyway, so i headed to work. today was not as smooth as it normally is. it just seemed like such a long day. perhaps it was as a result of having such a stressful weekend. well, not really stressful but well, i am not quite sure. i will just call it "uneventful."so at work i was somewhat irritable which i tried not to display my "mood." perhaps it was a combination of going to bed seriously late or just "one of those days." monday i had nothing much going on.
which brings me to tuesday...
so yesterday was my late day i am not scheduled to be to work until pretty late in the afternoon. upon my arrival i was told that i had a presentation scheduled for sometime in november, however, my "idea" of my presentation was due on thursday in addition to so many other assignments that must be completed before the end of the week. i was like wtf is going on. seriously. how do i go from doing my own thing to working like a slave on a hot summer day in 1903. (well, i better not say that, that wasn't nice huh?) but anyway, you get my drift. so of course when i got the news i politely rolled my eyes. sucked my teeth did a half ass smile and said through clenced teeth "sure, no problem i will have all 4 projects completed for you by friday." (but in my head i was like "oh no dis b-*c@ didn't!") but, i successfully completed my day and on the way home i stopped my the accountants office to say "have a good day" and i as shown 2 boxes that had arrived from my mom with goodies from my mom and my aunt. i was excited to get home and crack open my box. really put me in a good mood. i finally went home with a smile on my face and tore into my box and then diligently worked on the tasks that were placed before. in a way, i have nothing to complain about. i work with the best staff in my city and they really take care of me and they show me so much love. and i definitely want to continue a good relationship with them. and technically they really don't ask for much. but sometimes i'm like "yea okay, you want me to do wha????" overall today was a great day! when i got home i changed clothes and did a little grocery shopping. i had to pick up grocery for the rest of the week.
is it weird for you because it's not weird for me...
so, remember i just said i had to go by the grocery store after work. just as i was finishing up and heading to the front counter to check out. i realized i had to go and make a quick exchange. i run through the store and guess who i spot. (remember a few weeks back, i mentioned someone here being hella concerned because they were deleted from my fbook page?) well, i spot this person in the store and not thinking they were not on my page any longer (because it is not that serious right?) i say "hey girl how are you? long time no see?" not really thinking about the entire fbook issue. because for me she was only one of the almost 200 people that i had zero contact with and was just randomly deleted from page. so, it was so obvious that she was so nervous to talk to me. she was turning red. not really making eye contact. acting as if she had been bitten by a rabid rabbit. she eventually warmed up to me and by that time i thought she was 100% insane and politely ended the conversation with a "alright girlie it was nice see ya, don't be a stranger and i gotta' get home before my butter melts." i really don't understand these chicks now a days. seriously there is not a huge age difference between she and i. but it just seems like there is such an immaturity level. the girls worry about the wrong things non stop and are so unable to keep their composure. hell when i was 22 i had graduated. and had a career as a traveling photographer. and living on my own. these kids are just lame and so wrapped up in the wrong things. (such as fbook friendships, worrying about what people think of them and so on and so forth...just lame really lame)
and today is wednesday...
so i actually went to bed early last night. i was so on top of things i completed 2 out of the 4 "projects" and i was kicking ass and taking names and feeling really good about the amount of work i had completed and was satisfied with the completion of my assignment. i went to bed relatively early (well early for me is like 1am). before i went to bed i powered off my laptop and i realized that there was some kind of maintenance that was automatically running on my laptop. i put it to "sleep" placed it on my desk and went to bed. i was feeling good i didn't have to wake up until really late
why is my phone going off before my blackberry???
i was sleeping so hard, so peacefully so snug in a bug like a rug (ha ha i made a funny). and i be damned if my phone was not ringing at like 9:15am. (mind you, i was not scheduled to be to work until 1:30 and i didn't need to be up until 12pm). i get an urgent call indicating that i needed to submit one of my "projects" asap. i am like okay. i would be more than happy to come into work a few mins early and transfer my presentation from my usb to your inbox or even print out my plan. right? um, not so much. it appears it was needed asap. and the best option was for me to send the presentation as an attachment from my laptop into the "inbox" of the requested person. i thought. oh okay no problem i will get it to you asap. so, i got the email information. confirmed the address and ended the call with "it's on its way!" now i open my laptop and notice the screen says it has 6 completed out of the 9 configurations. so what do i do? do i power off the computer possibly losing all data and screwing up my laptop or do i call the person back and tell her to hell with that shit i will bring it to you when i get my ass to work. no sooner or no later. peace! i did the first option. i (even though my laptop clearly stated to not close down my laptop and to wait for the configuration to be completed) i closed it down anyway and even proceeded to flip it over and take out the battery. (what in the hell was i thinking???) i then power it back up and nothing. not a damn thing pops up on my screen. by this point i am like oh hell no! so i shut it down and restart it. i do this for a good 10 mins. i then say a silent prayer go and take a shower waiting for a miracle. i get out of the shower and still nothing. so i am livid by this point. oh i am cursing and shouting to the top of my lungs. so pissed at my self. so pissed that i had to send this assignment instead of waiting until my laptop finished configuring. i decided to get dressed and go into work a good 3 hours early. i was playing out in my head what i was going to say and who i was going to say it to. oh i was pissed. then all of a sudden. something (God) told me to go back to the computer and restart it. just as i did an actual image on my screen came up and it restarted. i was able to send the file without any problems. i said thank you to God and proceeded to finish getting ready for work. now ordinarily i dont go into to work early on the days i go in late. so today, i decided to go ahead and go in about an hour early and have lunch and proceed with the rest of my work day. my day went really well. i had a really productive day and things ended much better than what they began.
and then i am home...
so remember yesterday i casually mentioned i went to the grocery store. well, today when i get home i decide to make dinner. and my dinner was going to consist of american food: french fries and fried beef tips. so i grab the "oil" that i grabbed from the store yesterday. i skype with my mom and ask her how much oil do you put in the pan when making fries (as i haven't actually really owned a pot set a day in my life-i am a george foreman, microwave kinda gal). my moms reply was "quite a bit." i then notice the oil is really watery. and i don't think too much of it. i then sprinkle a little bit in another pan to cook my tips. as the pot with the broccoli comes to a boil i realize that it looks like water and it smells kinda funny. i place the pot right under my nose and take a whiff and my nostrils burn as i inhale the fumes of vinegar. now just who in the hell goes to the store and purchases vinegar mistaking it for cooking oil? me thats who! can you believe it? now yesterday i had made the exact same meal minus the french fries. so my mom asks out of curiosity (we were still chatting on skype) "did you not notice that yesterday?" and "how did you fry your meat in vinegar yesterday shayla." hell. i don't know her guess was as good as mine. i guess i am the lame one after all. here i am calling people lame every change i get. and thinking everyone is totally and utterly ridiculous and i take my crazy to the store and not only do i purchase vinegar instead of cooking oil but i cook with it two days in a row. mistaking it for oil. and does not make the discovery until way after the fact.
so...overall this week has been good. i have been so super busy this week. but it could be worse. i could be bored to tears. and have nothing to do. i know some are probably saying. i must not be too damn busy taking time to write this long ass blog. but to those i say. mind your own damn business and you're lame!
until next time...
oh girlie. come around n visit some time. i'll cook for you!! - jin