Love at First Sight...

Love at First Sight...
Lanvin Happy Mini Pop Bag

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday October 11th i think the last time i posted a blog was either on this past monday or tuesday. so, i will do like i usually do and catch you up on the days that have passed up until today. how's that? okay...

here goes tuesday..
tuesday i got up super early. i showered, pulled my hair back, painted my face, got dressed and headed out of the door. today i made it a point to go by the store to get mr lee a bottle of soju. and i had planned to mysteriously leave the alcoholic beverage along with the note that i had someone to write for me (with my name and a heart at the bottom-all written in korean of course) and i was to place this on the desk of mr lee and begin my day. so i purchased the soju hailed a cab and arrived to work.

not so fast...
so, i, as always, enter the building. take off my shoes, put on my "indoor slippers" grab the bottle of soju and the letter and head to mr. lee's office. and of course when i walk in the door none other than mr lee is sitting at his desk working away. i then say my anna-ah-say-ohhhs and place the items on mr lee's desk. his face lights up like a christmas tree as he reads the note. he then asks me (in not so many english words) who wrote this for me. i simply tilt my head to the side wink and walk away. mr lee yells from hallway..."shayla thanks so much, i not anger ever no more, yesterday all entertainment." i then tell mr lee of course i know that but i still want to keep him in my good graces. so then i scurry off and begin my day.

so as usual i get up and go to work and have a really good day. i come home from work and then i do the fbook thing, the gmail thing and the skype thing. as i am chatting with an old friend and he tells me that for lunch he had a peanut and butter sandwich i suddenly had the biggest craving for an american pb&j. i quickly end our email conversation with a "brb." put on a pair of sweats with a hoodie, throw on my sneakers and run to Kims Corner. I get peanut butter and Jelly. i then return home and have one of the best meals that i have had all week. i just don't remember pb&j being so yummy. it was amazing. needless to say i had 2 pb&j's and went to bed happy and less hungry. now i know you are probably wondering now how in the hell am i going to get so super sexy before i head to america especially while eating pb&j and pizza hut every chance i get. well, to answer that question. hell if i know. but i will get it together soon. i am missing some american things and i had a moment and i will get back on track soon..on to thursday.

i do not remember this day. i am assuming it was a fabulous day and i will just leave it at that. so then we have friday.

oh i remember friday. so, i decided on this day that i would begin exercising just a little. not too much but a little a day would be a great way to start. i decided to only take the taxi in the mornings to work and catch the bus home everyday. mike was to show me the ropes on catching the bus from work and making it back home. so, in order to make that happen we agreed to meet up around 5pm and head on over to the bus stop.

all aboard...
so yes the bus stop from work was about 10-15min walk. and it was a straight shot. in fact i am wondering why i haven't been doing this. so we got on the bus and awaiting our stop.

next stop shidae...
so then, we get off at our stop which is across the street from kim's club. now as often as i walk to and from the kims club this should be no problem right? um, so wrong. lord have mercy. now as you know the kims club is down the hill. it is not far in distance but it is DOWN the hill. and taking that hike up the hill from the bus stop was tragic. oh my goodness. i was sweating so bad. my legs were quivering and i felt muscles popping up from every chubby spot on my body. when i crawled up the hill i realized how out of shape i am and how i have got to seriously get my act together. but i will begin with babysteps. instead of eating 2 pb&j sandwich's tonight, i will only have 1 and a half. :-)

so today i had to get up hella' early for a day that i am suppose to be off of work and i get dressed, half ass flat iron my hair and get dressed to head out for a work related presentation.

how was it...
actually it was not so bad. would i have preferred to be sleeping or in seoul like i had planned? yes. but it all in all it wasn't too bad. not so bad at all.

so since i wasn't able to make it to seoul for the fabulous wkend that emma and josie and i had planned we had to do the next best thing. we decided to meet up in gwanju for a girls day. what did we do in gwanju? eat, eat some more and eat some more!!!!! oh and we saw a movie and ate some more. overall it was a good time. a good relaxing, chill time. (pics are on my fbook page)

alright, i am super tired and i must get some rest as i have a busy day at work tomorrow at it is late sunday night for me and i have to get my things together before tomorrow.

until next time...

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