hello readers...
it has been about a good week and a half since i posted my last blog. i haven't been feeling too well for a few weeks now. and nothing really happened. in the past week. so i will just start from this past friday....(check my photos on my fbook page from this past wkend)
so, the same as usual i woke up showered, painted my face, flat ironed my hair and left for work. today was a little unusual that usual. my first class was very challenging. well, not necessarily challenging but they were more difficult than the rest. nothing really to be concerned about. my advance students were loud somewhat obnoxious and even a little disobedient. i quickly had to gain control of my classroom and kick about 6 students out. here in s korea the children are raised to have respect for their elders. they obey honor and listen to their elders. so when i saw this particular group acting out. i had to quickly nip this in the bud before it got out of control if not it would have been a long year.
how was it nipped in the bud...
well, i stopped my lesson in mid sentence. told them to shut their mouths when i am speaking. continued with my lesson. the cool kids in the back continued to chit chat amongst themselves as if they were not in class. i then walked to the door of my class room pointed to about 6 boys and individually told them to get out of my classroom and they were not to return until they had learned the meaning of the word respect. i then closed my door and proceeded with my lesson plan.
kids in the hall....
so, about 15mins later the kids that i kicked out of my class came in with another teacher and bowed their heads to me said they were sorry and sat down. we all continued with the class and it was smooth sailing after that. no worries and no problems. i think this class knows where i stand.
cafeteria food...
so, at lunch today i sat down with the other teachers and vice principal. i usually go to lunch relatively early or i will sit with my "ladies." today, i was asked to have lunch with one of the teachers where we sat at the teachers table. during lunch the food is still very very very spicy. and usually as i am eating my lunch i look around the room at the cute little ones and wonder how in the world do they eat such spicy food. i can hardly tolerate it. so i at lunch ate all of my soup which was especially yummy, i ate all of the rice and that was about it. my co workers noticed that i did not eat all of my food. which is uncommon here. it seems that the men and the women have really hearty appetites. now i am twice the size of everyone here and i can not eat the amount of food they put down their throats. it is a wonder how the women are so tiny and they eat so much! well no, i actually know they answer to that. exercise is heavily recognized here and the food that is consumed is very healthy. back to the point of this section of my blog...so my co-workers noticed that i had not eaten most of the food on my plate ( i am watched as i eat) and they asked why was i not eating the food (which by the way i did try to sample everything and attempt to eat everything on my plate) i then had to explain to them the food is amazing however, it is really spicy and i have to get use to it. ugh, it is so annoying having to explain your self and your actions to people. this is one of my biggest pet peeves. people questioning me about ridiculous things and or wanting explanations about my actions and or my thoughts. so super annoying. i however, quickly finished all that i can muster up the courage to eat and excused myself from the table and went to my room.
mokpo bound...
so after work, i headed to the bus terminal and waited for about 1 1/2 hour for my bus to arrive. where i was to get on and head to mokpo to see Miss Emma and Miss Josie.
get on the bus...
so, i got on the bus and to my surprise this was a pretty nice bus. the bus had nice red leather seats. double seating as well as individual seating and a Karaoke machine. i thought this was going to be a nice smooth 2 hour bus ride.
yea right until...
the bus driver drove so hard and so fast. it felt as if i was on a never ending rollercoaster ride. and it did not help that the tv was going and the objects out the window were passing by at the speed of lightning. i have discovered in the past couple of weeks that i get motion sickness pretty bad. the taxi drivers here drive aimlessly and carelessly through the streets and the bus drivers are no better. as a result of this i get queasy when i am in a taxi and or bus.
so, prior to my arrival at the bus terminal in Mokpo, Miss Emma and i had decided that we would meet in the glass tv room inside of the bus terminal. i arrive and immediately spot this glass tv room and put down my 30 lb bag and wait for Miss Emma. so i sit and wait and wait and sit and sit and wait. i look up and notice what appears to be Jared and Alex walking to a seated area. i then stand up and then see about 6 people with their backs to this glass seating room that mind you i was suppose to meet Miss Emma in. i then proceed to walk out of the glass seating room and then i notice the backs of Hwannee, Josie, Rina, Jared, Alex and oh wow the back of EMMA. i'm like oh no this bitch didn't have me sitting in the glass waiting room for about 20mins. which by the way was were i was told to meet her and she is out here having a good ass time with the homies. did i tell her that. oh yea. was i mad. nope, actually i was just thrilled they were there to pick me up and shocked that i was going to see and hang out with so many people!
Korean BBQ...
so of course we chit chat, hug and then we start walking to the Korean BBQ place. we had dinner and i got this bright idea to try a bug that was one of the side dishes on the table. this is the first time that i have seen bugs as a side dish on a table. so i figured it must be pretty darn good. so i, of course had Miss Hwannee to count me down (1, 2 and 3) and i shoved the bug in my mouth and began to chew it. it was disgusting. I spit it out. and gagged about 8 times. ordered a beer to wash down my bug juice and ate Korean BBQ.
The Cutest Dessert Shoppe EVER...
so, Miss Emma had been telling me about this really cute PopenSue place that had swings and flowers on the inside of it. and she assured me that i would love it and would want to take a million photos of the inside of it. sure enough i walk inside and it is kinda like love at first sight. this place was so frigging cute. flying chubby pigs hanging from the ceiling, floral archways ohhhh and swings, swings and more swings...too cute. Miss Josie and i took about a million pictures. after our photo session we sat down and enjoyed a couple of bowls of large popensue and get this, toast with whip cream. i know it sounds really really odd but it is actually amazing. yummy!
like we need anything else in our mouths....
it was pretty late at night. mind you, i left my city of Suncheon immediately after work had about an hour and a half layover and it took me about 2 hrs to get their so after dinner and ohhhh wait i totally forgot something. let me back up....so while we were at the Korean BBQ place, there were about 4 ladies who were staring at me off and on the entire time. Alex who by the way speaks Korean came to me and told me that the ladies at the table would like for me to join them. i said "okie dokie." got up and headed to their table. which became very odd and very interesting. all the women wanted to do was tell me how beautiful they think i am and stare at me and flirt with Alex and feed us food and drinks. really interesting flattering but interesting.
back to like we need anything else in our mouths...
so, we are walking the streets of Mokpo and stumble upon a super cute cake shop with the worlds prettiest cakes (maybe not the worlds but the cakes were really pretty) and then we decide to head in and get more "junk."
hanging out and having a good time...
i can't remember every single detail but be sure to check out my photos for more details of my trip to mokpo and muan.
on to saturday...
saturday afternoon i head back to Suncheon and i arrive late saturday afternoon.
so, the night before Miss Rachel (the neighbor) and i made plans to go to lunch at Pizza Hut. So that morning we touch base and finalize the plan. we were to meet up at 1pm and head over to Pizza Hut. the food was so good. we had a Margherita Pizza, Salad Bar and I had an order of chicken strips with mine (had been wanting chicken for days). as always Miss Rachel and i had a nice conversation and a good time. a couple of hours later we head back to our home.
winding down...
i come back home and i am so super tired i decide to take a nap and sleep for a lot longer than what i anticipated. i woke up to find it dark out side and i had let most of the day past me by.
fbook, skype, gmail...
so i get up, power up the laptop to see what i had missed. i check my fbook emails. now let me back up for a few minutes here. a couple of days ago. i went onto my fbook page and thought to myself i have way too many posts on my home page and i was not really that interested in the silly things that are posted on my home page. they are not comments posted to me but you can see every post that your friends make. now let me just say that my fbook page is relatively new. infact i only made a page about a month prior to my departure to s korea and it was as a means to keep in touch with my immediate family and close friends. and that was it. i hadn't really thought about adding coworkers and or highschool friends that i haven't seen and or talked to since 1997. i knew that i would be posting my blog on my fbook page and i really didn't think anyone would read it except for my mom and my aunt roz. so with that being said. i quickly accumulated almost 200 fbook friends. (now that really isn't a lot by fbook standards) but it is somewhat a lot when you post personal information about yourself that was originally only intended for family and real close friends. so i decided to delete the people that i never talk to on fbook or who i didn't know all that well. not thinking it would be a big deal and also not thinking that anyone would actually notice...right?
well, let me tell you this. as soon as i deleted members from my page the same people i deleted noticed they were no longer on my page and requested me back. and one chick in particular actually even sent me a fbook friend email stating she noticed i deleted her from my page and didn't understand why i no longer liked her. YES! apparently fbook is that serious. again, i have been misunderstood. i never even really thought that anyone actually came onto my page. i only get comments and or emails from the same few people. so i assumed no one would think much about it or consider it a big deal. i sure as hell didn't and if i were deleted from someone's page. i really wouldn't think much of it. well, take that back, i would if it were someone i actually spoke to via fbook. then i would be like "oh no that bitch didn't!"
Absolute Ridiculous-ness...
okay, so this is it in a nutshell. it appears that your fbook friends are a big deal and i don't think i will EVER delete someone from fbook again. it has truly become a social network and people actually consider fbook people your "real friend." it no longer matters if you actually connect well with the person. nor does it matter if you have anything in common with the person and it sure as hell does not matter that you actually never speak or talk on fbook nor off of fbook. but your fbook friends are your true friends and they should never be deleted. HA yea right! some people just didn't make the cut this round and i just don't know why they are taking it so friggin' personal. this is facebook and it is a computer generated website. and that is all that it is. if you are deleted from someone's facebook page. i can assure you it really probably has nothing to do with you personally. i didn't delete people for personal reasons. you were one out of the 100 and something that just didn't make the cut. get over, it is so not that serious. but i love ya' anyway. peace...
until next time...