Love at First Sight...

Love at First Sight...
Lanvin Happy Mini Pop Bag

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I am so over it…

As you know, as soon as I got in yesterday I immediately, put fresh linen on my bed, showered, put on my pj’s, took my medicine and crawled into my bed. I was awakened about 5 hours later from the sound of my laptop ringing on Skype and then my house phone. But, I was not able to get up and I did not want to get. My nose was burning (the insides from all the blowing and sneezing from the night before). My head felt so stuffy. My throat was so scratchy and I just wasn’t feeling like my usual self. I was not well. I was far from well. Not good. But the show had to go on. So, I checked my Skype and had realized that my Emma Boo finally had her internet set up and she was now on skype so I immediately called her back via webcam and of course she was not home by this time. So, I called her on her Korean cell and told her to call me via Skype when she got home.


So, my alarm goes off and I am not in the mood. I had taken my medicine twice the night before and I had such a rough night last night that the last thing I wanted to do was get up and get ready for work. Well, I will tell you what if I was in America. There would be no doubt in my mind that at that moment of feeling like hell I would have picked up the phone and or sent a text via blackberry. And that message would state that I would not be in the office today. But with me being on unfamiliar territory and unable to pull the stunts that I have pulled and been able to get away with in America I did the complete opposite of what I would have normally done. I snoozed my alarm making sure that I would get up the next round.

Another day another dollar…

So, I lay in bed, half asleep half awake. And I finally decide to get up out of the bed. I walk into the kitchen and decide to make myself a bowl of cereal. I pour my cereal into the bowl, pour my organic soy milk over my cereal (just enough to cover the bottom half of the bowl) and I go to my desk and power on my laptop. I begin checking my emails, my stomach begins to get a little upset. I immediately stop eating my cereal walk over to the toilet pour all the contents of that bowl into the toilet, flush and walk back to the desk. I then skype and check my emails and then I did what I so did not want to do.


So, I mustered up enough energy and strength to sweep the floor (emma boo is coming for the wkend and I don’t want her to see the dust bunnies all over the house), clean the bathroom, put away clothes and then I get showered, paint my face, flat iron my hair (actually again today no flat ironing was needed) put on my clothes and quickly rushed out of the door. I did a quick check in the bathroom mirror just as I was heading out of the door. And had a sudden change of heart. The top and the pants that I was wearing would definitely require a “high” heel. And I remembered the bathroom situation and I remembered that I am much better in a dress. So, I quickly ran to my closet area (armoire chest) and grabbed a dress. A blue dress. One that does really require much. One that I can wear my converse or coach canvas shoes with. A dress that I can run down the hiil in to catch my cab.

Risky or Frisky???

So, did I decide to keep what I was wearing on and trot down the hill in a pair of really high heels??? Under non-sick circumstances yes I would have done so. And under American circumstances where I have my pimped out car and no hills to walk down in a pair of heels yes I would have stayed in the outfit that I had on. But this is S Korea and although it is the land of super trendy and ultra chic and cute. Um, I was not going down that hill in a pair of 4 inch heels. Now, my Korean gal pals are notorious for wearing their 4 inch heels going up and down hills. And they are so super fierce with it. But I am just not going to do this. Well, not just yet! And Lord knows I miss my cute 4 inch collection of heels and in fact that is mainly all I ever wear back in the States but, I absolutely can’t walk down a mountain in them. Not in S Korea and not today. Here in S Korea I have adopted the girl next door look. I am not too trendy. I am not flashy. I wear shorts, jeans, cardigans, I wear t-shirts (yes tee shirts), and I wear flip flops. Hell, I even wear converse and coach sneakers almost on a daily bases (well when I am not going to work). Things that I wore on rare occasions just 2 months ago. I am so laid back and I am actually kinda diggin’ it. Now will I and have I adopted this look from here on out? Hell no! Don’t think I didn’t send a long ass detailed list of shoes and clothes that I will be needing my mom to send to me from my detailed and organized fashion filled closet at home.

Back to back…

Oh okay, so now that I have gotten the above off of my chest let me proceed with this journal. So, I change my clothes and grab a dress from the closet / armoire. Grab a cardigan. Grab a pair of wedge heels and quickly change my mind to put on my “coach” canvas sneakers instead. I grab my work bag and literally run out of the door. Yes literally. I then trot down the sidewalk (jog/walk pace) and hop into the back of the cab, state my location and sit back.

Always on time…

So, I arrive to work at 10:20 am and my first class isn’t until 10:50 am. Yes, you are thinking wow all that and I am still a half of an hour before schedule! Not to me. I like to be atleast an hour early so that I can take my time changing shoes, saying my “anneyahsayeohhhs” (hello’s) and not rush to my class. So, I arrived to work and I immediately say hi to everyone and go to my principal. Where of course she gives me a quiz on my Korean words. And I totally bombed out. Now I hadn’t seen her much this week. And she didn’t quiz me daily like she usually does so I forgot some of the words. She told me that I had a quiz on Monday for the words that I could not remember and I promised her that I would get an “a” on Monday and that I would make her proud with my Korean speaking ability. Have I actually learned a lot of new words? Yes I have! Can I remember them all. Absolutely not! But I will!

Tricky tricky tricky…

So, my class today was to teach an Advanced 6th grade English class. And I could not find this class for the life of me. Now with this class it is based on a curriculum and I will not have free range. No arts for them I have to do everything by the book. Now my class is usually held in my art room and all of the students come to me with the exception of my kindergarten classes and my 6th grade advanced class room . I finally find this class room. And the students are chatty and they are waiting for me to get situated as I had to get assisitance finding this room. (normally I like to be in the classroom waiting on the students not vice versa). And normally I am not feeling terrible. So, today I think I was just in a non-tolerable mood. The students weren’t misbehaving and they were too loud I just wasn’t feeling too well and was kinda agitated. So I then, shout to the class to hush their mouths until I call the roll. (now first day of me meeting them and I am being an ass) I then quickly remember that I am just sick and if I start off this way it would totally not be fair to them, as every other class has been amazing. So I sickly but quickly change my “tude” and explain to my students that I am not feeling well and just bare with me as I get set up and go over the rules and what will be expected of my classroom. They were understanding and completely respectful and the class was wonderful. As I did my power point introduction they laughed, I did a couple of games with them and let them watch an English cartoon (and tested their English ability). So 40 mins later I went to dismiss my class and they begged me to continue giving the more cartoon quizzes. I gave them a few more and told them I would see them next week. It was a success and I was done for the rest of the day. Well, I was done until my next and last class at 3:10pm.

What’s next??

So, I then go to the lounge area and power up my laptop and begin working on my journal and review lesson plan ideas for next week. And all the while wishing I was back in my Korean Apt taking medicine and sleeping.

Lunch date???

Um, no thanks I will pass on this today. Today, I did not eat lunch. As I wasn’t sure how my stomach would react. Well, I take that back, in the lounge room there were warm baked sweet potatoes (a standard Korean snack would be: fruit, breads, potato’s ) so I grabbed a sweet potato and considered that to be my lunch for today. Emma would be coming in later tonight and I didn’t want to be any more sick than I already was.

Coming home…

So, my day ended on a good note and I was on my way home waiting for my emma boo to arrive.
Yeaaa My Emma boo is here…

So, I hadn’t seen my Emma Boo since leaving Gwanju and I was super excited about seeing her. She arrived tonight and as soon as she got here we came upstairs to my apartment for a tour. We then immediately left my apartment and went to grab dinner.

Catching cabs is what I do…

So I really wanted to take her to the Bulgogi Korean Barbecue place that I love but for the life of me I just couldn’t remember exactly where it was. So after we almost got killed by the crazy and reckless taxi cab driver we arrived to this cute Italian Restaurant (that I also love) we ordered and sat and talked and laughed and ate and talked and laughed some more. It was pretty late and I wasn’t feeling too well and it began to rain so we headed back to my place. We would finish our touring of my city tomorrow….

Until next time…


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