Going to bed is hard to do…
So, last night I went to bed pretty late last night, actually, let me rephrase that. I went to bed really early this morning. And I was up before I knew it. I’ve really got to start going to bed a lot earlier than I usually do.
So, like clockwork…
My fabulous blackberry whose only purpose in s korea is the responsibility to wake me up on time. So, I was awakened this morning. As like always, I snoozed my alarm for the next hour and then realized it was time for me to go with just enough time to jump in the shower, paint my face, flat iron my hair (actually again, today no flat iron was needed but I always plug it in just in case), put on my clothes and shoes and head out the door.
Ahead of time…
So today, before I head out for work I decide on a dress with a somewhat ruffled bottom and of course a cardigan (in my mind anything paired with a cardigan gives it a classic look-so basically if I wear a halter dress and 4 inch shoes, if I have on a cardigan I feel so delicate and it takes away the “hooker” look-hey, my dresses may be a little too tight and my face may have on way too much blush and mascara and my 4 inch heels may be hooker-ish but I am a lady when I have my cardigan on…) So in other words, I should have worn my converse when bouncing down that hill this morning instead of my high shoes. Converse and a Cardigan will be my new look. I don’t know why every single morning I have been wearing extremely high shoes to work and only thinking of me getting a cab to work and not remembering I have to actually walk to the cab in those heels up a mountain and down a hill. Ugh. Back at home I could walk 5 or 6 blocks in my fancy heels. Here, not so much! Too many hills too many mountains.
That’s how I roll…
So, of course, I hail a cab and make it to work ahead of time. And of course as usual I did not eat before I left home and by the time I arrived to work I was already feeling famished and faint from the lack of food (last night I had no luck finding a cough drop or peppermint in any of my bags and was hungry and too lazy to actually go and get something to eat).
Say what???
So, I get settled at work and of course the first thing (after changing my shoes) I do is go around making my rounds and saying “anneyeasayooooohhhh” and bowing to every man and woman in sight. And rumor has it I am in time for lunch. I have arrived early enough to have lunch at work.
What in the hell is that or was that???...
So, I am ushered off by the senior women at work and they carry me off to lunch. We grab a tray and I am served, kimchi, rice (the only two things I actually recognize oh and a piece of sweet bread – I recognized that too), some meat, some animal, some squid dish and that some peppers and some dipping sauce. So I squish me and my fluff into this itty bitty chair so close to the counter I had to just about stuff my breasts in my panties to fit in that damn chair (ha come to find out once I squeezed into it the chair actually comes out-duh how stupid and embarrassing am I??) So I take a breath and stare at the kimchi (because I just simply hate it-just hate it hate it, hate it, hate it and I have learned how to say no thank you in Korean when it is offered to me, actually this may be considered rude to be like “oh hell no don’t put that on my plate I hate it-so instead of saying what I am thinking, I just graciously accept it with the look of horror on my face). So I eat all of my rice (you can never go wrong with rice), I eat all of the meat ( I don’t know what it was but I ate it so fast and so hard that the other two women at my table shoved me their plates and gave me theirs), I then attempted to eat the soup. It was actually really really good. Seriously spicy but really really really good. I was wondering how in the hell does a child eat this spicy food. My nose was running. And I attempted to eat it all. I then ate some of the squid tentacles and the stuff that was mixed in it. It’s actually pretty good and also seriously spicy. I couldn’t eat the other 2 objects. So I proceeded to tear up the bread. I figured since I don’t eat much at home I was better off eating all of the fillers on my plate.
Oh oh time to go..
So myself and the other two women whom I have become really good friends with (the art teacher and another older woman) grabbed my hand handed me water and we were off back to the lounge area. Now we have never really spoken more than 3 words to each other but we seem to get along really well. Well, as far as I can tell. We share coffee together every day. We eat lunch together when I am there for lunch and we sit around a look at each other. It’s a real passionate relationship. Talking is obviously overrated. Who needs friends you can talk to??? LOL
No room for anything else…
So, when we return back to the lounge area, my homies offer me a cup of coffee and remembering that incident yesterday when I wet my pants at work. I decided against the coffee. Instead I ran downstairs to my closet area and grabbed a huge bottle of water that I stuck in my wok bag before heading to work. I figured it would be better for me if I did have another “accident” that it would be best if my accident was of urine mixed with water versus urine mixed with coffee. I am really on top of things.
First day of class…
So, my first day of class was really good. I was able to have my art class as the supply closet was closed and locked and the staff forgot to leave me a key. So when in doubt “you tube.” I played the “Simpsons” and did a “listen and repeat.” And my students loved it. They were surprisingly very very very good in English.
Overall a fabulous day…
Until Next time…
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