Uh oh, please say it ain’t so…
So, last night, I was not feeling well. In fact, I hadn’t been feeling too well for days now. As I was sitting on my bed I realized that I had Theraflu in my luggage in the extra room in my apartment and figured it was best to catch this cold before it got out of control. What are my symptoms? And what exactly do I feel? Well, for starters my throat has been really bothering me lately. I have had a sore throat for a couple of days now. And I have been so tired and have had very little energy. Yesterday, when I went to the mini-mart to grab lunch, I could barely make back up the hill that I had walked down to get to the store. So, I opened my perfectly packaged luggage and turn it upside down grabbed the box of Theraflu and took out two packets, zipped it up and closed the door behind me. I fixed myself a nice hot cup of Theraflu, drank it and sat on my bed and got on my laptop as I waited patiently for it to kick in. The last thing I remember was sending Gina or possibly Cici or maybe Jeff a skype message on my laptop and rolling over and falling asleep. I totally forgot how Theraflu puts you into a slight coma.
Next thing I knew…
My blackberry/alarm was going off and I was rolling over to shut It off. And decided for the first time in a long time, I would not snooze the alarm but I would actually get up and take a nice hot shower. Did I actually do so. Yes, actually I did. And was I feeling a lot better now that I had taken my Theraflu? Nope, not really maybe a slight difference in sickness but not much to brag about.
Routine or not to routine…
So, I shower, plugged in my flat iron and half assed use it. Meaning I literally picked a piece of hair that needed to be turned under and pulled my hair back using two cute clips and threw on my makeup (okay not literally “threw” but it was not applied with all the passion and effort I normally use) put on a dress and called it a day. Today, I am not feeling too well and I think it just may show.
Upon my arrival…
I couldn’t muster enough strength to do my usual “anneyahhhhsayoooohhh” it was more like a “anneyasahooo.” It was so hard walking up that hill to the school and I was so out of breathe and my throat was hurting so bad before I even reached the front step. I crawled up the stairs and said my “anneyasayohhs” to everyone I saw and headed into the lounge area. Where of course my two bff’s were. The Art/Music teacher (whom we share the same room )and the other lady which I am still unsure what she does here. Whatever the case, I like them both. And I love the relationship we have. We say our “anneyahsayohhs.” We stare and smile at each other for a good 5 minutes and they continue chatting and I get on my laptop and do whatever it is I do. (right now it is typing on my blog and update every moment that has happened thus far).
Well, I guess in a few minutes (looking at the time) me and my clique “art teacher and other lady” will be heading to lunch soon. Since out communication is limited. I think I will sign off my laptop for now and get ready because when they give me the look I better be ready to go…I need for them to explain to me what our lunch will be for the day….Be back in a few with the lunch update for the day.
Not sure what to make of it…
So, on today’s lunch buffet was the usual which consisted of: Kimchi, white rice, some type of Squid tentacles, seaweed soup with bits of baby shrimp, fried fish and grapes. Now under usual circumstances I would have found something from that large variety of food that I would have really enjoyed. Today, not so much. I did not enjoy any of it. Infact it was a struggle to eat almost all of it. I have noticed that it does not appear to be apart of Korean customs and or traditions to waste food. In fact almost everyone eats all of the food on their plates. And it is shocking that although most Korean women are super tiny, they really can put away a lot of food. So once, the majority of my gang (the art/music teacher and the lady whom I have no clue what she does and who she is) once we completed our meals we were off to go back to the lounge area. On the way back…there was small talk. And the question of the day to me was? Did you like Korean food? Of course I had to tell them the food is amazing just too spicy! And they in unison replied by saying “nayyyyyyyyyyyy” (which is yes in Korean).
Before I knew it…
So, when we arrive to our lounge area (and I do mean “we” since my two bff’s and myself are the only three that occupy that room). Before I knew it, it was time for me to head to class. I had to go to work.
My classes were amazing. The children were so insanely sweet and cordial and they were super smart. I was expected them to not know any English. They sure coulda’ fooled me. My kids knew how to not only read English but how to read it as well. They were beyond smart. I was beginning to wonder why in the hell did they need me there. We played many games and took a few pictures did a few assignments and before I knew it the day was over.
Hitting the Streets of Suncheon…
My Teacher Assistant Rachel and I decided to go and grab dinner and hang out for a bit in downtown Suncheon. I was totally cool with that. So, we met up with a few of her friends and hit the streets. I was super excited we when walked past the street fish market. Yes! I have been seeing pictures of these vendors and was up close and personal. The fish market vendors is when you walk by and then have rows and rows and rows of fresh seafood and the food is for you to see up close and personal. I was a little disappointed that creepy crawly things were not crawling out of the buckets onto the sidewalks, but it was still really cool to see.
Names Names and Names…
So, as we are walking there were too many shoe shops to name. There was Nike, Converse, Puma, Addidas, Fila , K Swiss and every other sneaker shop you can think of on the streets. Too many cute clothing shops and too many cute everything.
Rachel um are you sure???
So, Rachel and her friends decide lets eat a real Korean meal. They ask me if I have ever had real street Korean food. Of course I am like, um no, not yet. Would you like to try? Um, sure okay. (which was how that conversation went). So Rachel orders several plates of food that I am so not even sure how to identify. So it was explained to me that one of the dishes was a pork (which clearly looked like intestines aka chitlin’s) the other looks like some kind of chopped testicle and the other two I recognized. I tried the chopped testicles (which was super gross) and the chicken (which didn’t taste at all like chicken). So, after a bite and two chews I was done and figured I would go by the store and grab dinner tonight (this I could not longer prolong and had I had grocery at home I probably would not have tried that).
Emart, nice to see you again…
So, Rachel, myself and her friend enter Emart and we go shopping. I pick up food and household items that I was in desperate need of. I was really excited to come across soy milk for my gigantic box of cereal. Cereal? Yes, they have regular cereal here. You cant go wrong with cereal. My grocery list consisted of: house freshner, bleach, bananas, cereal, chips, cookies, juice pops, soda, spam (which came highly recommended by Rachel) soy milk (which I was super excited to find).
Overall, the day was a great day…
Until next time…
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