Love at First Sight...

Love at First Sight...
Lanvin Happy Mini Pop Bag

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Um…not so much…

So, when I began this blog it was only to jot down things and experiences while I am living in S Korea for the next year. I didn’t think that I would have requests and or demands for me to continue updating my blogs. So with that being said, I am in my bed way past midnight on a work night. And I am doing my blog for the day as a result of many requests. So here goes…

Up and not quite at em’

So, usually every single morning my black berry/alarm clock goes off and I snooze it. Today I had the intentions of sleeping in. and I usually only snooze my alarm atleast 4 times every single morning. This morning. I turned off the alarm and literally re-set it to a new time. I was so super sleepy I needed more than four 15 minute snooze sessions. After I changed the time of my alarm I went back to sleep.

Waking up is hard to do…

So, my alarm went off and you would think since I stole an additional 2 hours that I would be eager to finally get out of the bed. Not so much! I snoozed my alarm for another 15 mins and then I finally rolled out of bed (literally).

Kellog’s in Korea…

So, the first thing I did was not the usual. Instead of doing the usual I immediately power on my laptop. Go to the fridge. Which by the way, I somehow left the door open to the fridge. Now I do vaguely remember waking up in the middle of the night dying of thirst. I guess I didn’t put the water all the way back in the fried and it was hanging out of the fridge this morning and there was water all over the floor. I immediately thought, oh great, I finally head to the grocery store and now I have ruined all of the grocery I just purchased.

Now what???

So, of course, I pull out the cereal (frosted flakes Korean style) and I grab my soy milk and a bowl and I pour it over the cereal. To my surprise my soy milk is still cold. So I grab my cereal shuffle to my desk and get on my laptop.

Wasting more time…

So, instead of me getting in the shower, flat ironing my hair, painting my face, putting on my clothes. I do the complete opposite I sit on the computer. Answer emails. Skype and act as if I have nothing to do. Next thing you know I have to abruptly stop everything I am working on and get ready for work.

Away we go…

So, I get ready for work, grab my work bag and my shoes and my extra set of clothes (today is volleyball day at the school and for some reason I wasn’t kicked off of the team yet) and I head out the door and I am on my way to catch my cab.

Um, no habla es Korean….

So, I grab my cab, get in and another cab driver who was parked behind us jumps out of his car and runs over to my car door and insists on closing the door behind me. I thought, gee, they really know how to treat a lady. So, I am off. I quickly explain to the cab driver where I need to go. He then turns around and stairs at me. And I repeat myself again. Thinking he had no idea what I was saying I pull out the name of my school that I have written in Korean. He reads the sheet and repeats the same thing I just said to him. I thought to my self okay whatever. I then motion for the cab driver to hand me back my paper (I will probably need it again, and it’s equivalent to carrying around a black diamond-meaning its precious and very important). The cab driver then plays this cat and mouse game with me. Where when he hands out the sheet as I reach for it he pulls it away quickly. Now perhaps if I were feeling up to par this would have been cute. Creepy but cute. But I just kinda chuckled and smiled. He finally handed the sheet back to me. But of course not with out “feeling up my hand.” Yes, odd, very odd. He proceeds to make small talk. But not the kinda talk I can actually engage in. His small talk was all in Korean. I proceeded to tell Mr. Cabby several times that I did not speak Korean. He finally caught on to what I was saying and then stared at me in the rearview mirror most of the car ride. And I had no clue what he was trying to say to me. After a very long 10 mins I arrive to the school and I pay Mr Cabby. Of course when I hand him the exact change he proceeds to take my hand in his and held it for a long 5 seconds. And proceeds to “feel up my hand” for the second time. Again I thought okay this is weird. Mr Cabby reminded me of the creepy “older guy” that your parents wouldn’t let you speak to without them being there with you. Kinda like a creepy “Uncle Joey.”


I arrived to work, take of my shoes and slip into my indoor shoes and I am off to do what I do. Even if I have late classes. I almost always make it to lunch extra early to have lunch with my “lunch ladies.” When I arrived to day (later than usual but still ahead of my scheduled class) I was surprised that my “ladies” were not in the lounge area. I sat and waited a few minutes and next thing I knew it was time for my class to begin. I headed to class and realized I left something in the lounge room. When I walked to the lounge room an unfamiliar face calls my name is broken English. As I turn around she hands me a note. My “ladies” had this woman to write me a note in English. Saying that they would not be able to join me today. And that they would miss me, but for me to go ahead with out them and that they would see me tomorrow. I thought. How sweet was that? Of course I clutched my note with dear life and carried it back to my classroom and stuck it in a part of my work bag, that I knew would tear and or bend this precious note. My first love Korean love letter. Well, okay maybe not exactly a “love note” per say but the intentions were out of love. Today was going to be a very good day. Although I wasn’t feeling well, I tried really hard not to let it be known. I still had fun in my classroom and gave my students my undivided attention and when my day was over I prayed to GOD I would not have to play volleyball.

I call he answers…

So, after I wrapped up my classes I proceeded to grab my work bag and head to the bathroom to change into my “volleyball” clothes. And lord and behold my co-teacher calls my name and asks what am I up to? I casually mention to her that my volleyball team mates needed me and that I was on my way to change and get ready to play. She then tells me that the game has already started and that it really wasn’t necessary since I had missed so much of the game. I then of course pretend to be super pissed that I missed that opportunity. And I pretended to sadly walk away. Of course I pretended to be that way and quickly told her bye ran out of the school (literally) caught my cab and hightailed it back to my apartment grinning the entire way.

Home is where my Cold is???

So, I arrive home and of course. It seems like once you actually sit down and relax you get so super sick. My nose begins running nonstop, I am sneezing, coughing and carrying on. I prepare my lesson plans for the next day. Talk to Emma on the phone for a few, Skype for a few. Instant Messaged for a few. Facebook for a few and next thing you know it’s time for me to shower, take my Theraflu and get into my bed.

Girl in the mirror...

I reflect on the day and realize that yes, I am feeling hella crappy. But if my having an annoying cold is my biggest and only problem since arriving to S Korea, I humbly accept this cold and I am glad to have it. It could be much worse. And I realize that this has really been my only complaint. Well, this cold and wanting a regular sandwich, or that time I felt like faking a faint when crawling across that damn mountain a few weeks ago.

Life is good and I am exactly where I should be.

Alright well, until next time…


  1. yewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww at driver. but heaps of people have told me that they have had their face & hair felt n touched by old ladies n men. haha~~~ i look too Korean for them to be interested.


  2. i haven't had my face or hair touched .... well not yet... (hopefully)
