Love at First Sight...

Love at First Sight...
Lanvin Happy Mini Pop Bag

Thursday, August 13, 2009

and then there's thursdays...

got up...
as usual got up, snoozed my alarm. laid back down. got up snoozed my alarm. finally got up showered, painted my face, flat ironed my hair, got on my facebook, checked my emails and put on my clothes.

not so good...
so, when i got up my stomach was so super queasy. i am not sure if it was my dinner last night. something i drank or what. but my stomach was a mess when i got up.

of course, i had to put something in my stomach (since i always have long days) i stop by the gs25 and i pick up an aloe water and cheese cheese (basically a piece of sweet bread). i head to class. and shortly after i took the last bite. my stomach begins tossing and turning. finally i get up and head straight to the nurses office and tell her my symptoms and she then asks a few questions. of course there was a bit of a language barrier but overall we were able to finally come to the conclusion that i would need something more than just an otc (over the counter medication). she suggested i go to the hospital. she also stated that my symptoms were common with travelers and that they will eventually go away. so, i took the medication. she ended up giving me a chinese herbal medication. that smelled and tasted horribly! it was black round balls that you take by mouth several times a day. and it smells so bad!!!!

good afternoon...
so, after i came from the nurses office, i then decided to head back to my room to lie down for a few. and decided to read a little bit of my e lynn harris book (the one that i purchased on the plane that i haven't gotten a chance to read). i ended up taking a nap and woke up to head to my next class.

next class...
i went to my next class and could barely keep my eyes open. finally the day eventually ended. i decided to go to a cute little waffle cafe/computer room to have dinner. and i was actually surprised that my dinner was so good. now you know i had to ask josie to go and order my food for me. my plan was to enjoy my meal in this cute little cafe style computer room and instead of being on my laptop like i usually am, i decided to read my book some more. of course just as i get good and comfortable. guess who comes over bamming on the cafe window as if it were a door. emma!!! so, i rapidly move my arms motioning for the "nut case" to actually come inside of the cafe instead of beating the glass window as if it were a friggin' door. so when she comes in of course i have my legs propped up on the chair. and i am really into my e lynn harris book. and emma decides to join me. and we laughed and talked as usual.

hitting the streets...
am i going to go and get drunk and act a fool in south korea tonight? um i totally would, if i weren't walking around on cankles and squeezing my butt cheeks together in hopes of avoiding an accident. so, instead i am going to finally really crack open my book and begin reading it again!!!! for sure this time.

other than that...
today, nothing much happened. nothing exciting to tell. no pictures were taken. i didn't try anything new. nothing fun and exciting. well, not unless you include the black mystery balls the nurse gave me.

until next time...


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