Love at First Sight...

Love at First Sight...
Lanvin Happy Mini Pop Bag

Friday, August 14, 2009

frantic friday...

once again...

alarm went off. snoozed it. went back to sleep. alarm went off and finally got up. showered, painted my face, flat ironed my hair, checked my emails, facebooked and was out the door.

classes again...

today during one of our classes we had a really interesting introduction to magic. yea magic. we learned a lot of cute tricks. was i really good at it and was i actually able to mimic the magician who showed them to us? nope not at all. did i voluntarily go up in front of the class to "show off" the newly learned skills? you bet. and did i get a standing ovation for my skills and talent. hell to the no! i sucked. i sucked really bad! i couldn't figure out which end to turn. which rope to tug and it was just a mess a hot mess.

coming around that mountain...

so, yes after lunch. (which by the way, i went back to the really cute cafe that i enjoyed yesterday) we had to hike up the mountain, down the mountain, up a steep concrete flight of stairs and back down another set of stairs, back down a flight of steps and then down the hill! today it was so hot, i almost considered "faking a faint" so that i wouldn't have to continue with that seriously long walk. but, i made it! and it was actually kinda easy this time. okay, well maybe not "easy" well, i will just say it was "easier" this time around.

worth the effort...

so, once we crossed that mountain and got to our location. our class would be a Korean pop dance class. what exactly is a Korean pop dance class? actually i really don't know. it is a routine dance. not necessarily hip hop (but a move or two that may be considered hip hop), i guess if i had to put it into a category it would be: strip tease/hip hop/techno/do-wop/aerobics. i hope that paints a vivid picture for you. now you would think with me being a b.a.p (black American princess) that i would've rocked the house. and got down! um, nope not so much. basically i suck at everything. and again, today i was not the belle of the ball! i mean, i have rhythm but the music they played was really cute but the instructors were a little too fast for the beat and i just couldn't follow them foot for foot. i think i held my own but i didn't move it and groove like i know i could've. so, instead of dancing to their moves. i did my own dance moves so i wouldn't look like a complete idiot. but, it actually was a lot of fun! and some of the moves we learned i will keep them in my memory bank and maybe even use them again. not all of the moves but definitely a few.

another mode of transportation....
so, of course after our workout of a dance class. no one was in the mood to hike back over that mountain, and instead i caught the bus back to my room. it was hot and i was tired and i still had one more class before the day ended.

and we're done...
so, my final class was really good and really informative. and it didn't hurt that the instructor was cute. now, this weekend is the last week myself and the rest of the esl teachers will be together. next week we move to our providence in s Korea and we wont see each other again. unless we visit each other or keep in touch. so a lot of people wanted to get together and go to Seoul or hang out or so on and so forth. as for me. i had a date with my cankles. and we were going to prop our feet up finally and not do ANYTHING. i will be here for a year (maybe longer) so, i wasn't really in the mood to party like a rock star. instead i wanted to just relax and call it a night.

doing just that...
yes, tonight i will be in my room finally catching up on my good book. and that's about it. nothing too exciting happened today. no photos were taken and nothing unusual happened. well nothing that i can think of.

speaking of...
so, remember yesterday i mentioned i was sick as a dog and i went to the nurse and she suggested i take a Chinese herbal medication for my upset stomach. it must have worked today. i had no problems with my stomach. well i wont say "none" but not nearly as bad as yesterday. overall today was a really good day. i have no complaints. i will be taking it easy this weekend. i wont be trying anything unusual, well, tonight i will not try anything weird and unusual. i can't speak for tomorrow just yet.

it's a wrap...
and that's it...

until next time...

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