Love at First Sight...

Love at First Sight...
Lanvin Happy Mini Pop Bag

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

okay...and then...

okay so today's list of events...

so, i was awakened first thing this morning by the sound of my blackberry going off at about 5am my time. i found out where the sound was coming from and got out of bed to turn it off.
i laid back down for about a hour or so.

got up...
so i finally got up after i realized there is no point in trying to go back to bed, as i would be getting up soon anway.

so then...
once i got up, i got i checked my emails, immediately got onto my facebook page and pulled out the calendar of events that were going on today.

list of events...
so, i had two options first thing this morning. option 1 was to: go to the cafeteria to grab something to eat at 7:50 am. you probably ask but why 7:50 am. well, because that is the time breakfast is served. either you snooze or you loose. now, back to my options. the second option would be to call my family and friend and continue to be on facebook. considering i am in the future i decided to call my family and friends that are stuck in the past.

next on the agenda...
so, after sitting around for more than a few hours, i noticed it was then time for lunch. i again had two options. either going to the cafeteria at a designated time or i could continue to do what i was doing. which by the way was the same as earlier. (on the phone or facebook)
i decided to grab a soup from g25 (which is similiar to america's version of 7eleven. once i got to g25, i decided to also grab an aloe water (so delicious by the way), a bag of cheetos (which appeared to be normal) and a box of chocolate chip cookies (initially i grabbed the wafers but my room mates box looked much more appealing.

the lunchbox...
so now, the soup was actually really good. it had fancy onions and a flavorful package of seasoning, the cheetos on the other hand were really misleading. infact, i was kinda confused. they were not the regular cheetos we have back home. these cheetos were very similar to shrimp and honey. yes, imagine the two taste and smells combined into one. and they were not orange like the traditional bag. instead they were of a beige color. and to top it off they had a tiny packaged prize on the inside, similar to something you would find in a cracker jack box.

the prize....
the prize in that fancy bag of cheetos was a teeny tiny self assembled motorcyle. and if it hadn't been for my room mate i would have annoyingly placed it in the trash. she was able to put it together for me. and now it sits on top of my desk. teeny tiny and smelly like a combination of both shrimp and honey.

to the good part...
so, after i had my lunch, i then decided to get dressed and ready for orientation. the orientation was a welcoming for all of the esl teachers that will begin working on sept 1st. now the paperwork i received indicated that this would be a semi formal event. now call me crazy but in my mind semi formal would be considered business attire. if i am wrong please correct. there is a big difference between business casual, semi formal and formal. so when someone says to me semi formal. i assume my big fancy heels would work for this occasion. but then again, my big fancy heels works for every occasion. so, with that being said i got dressed. to be exact i decided to wear my designer white full skirtt that buttoned down the front with big side pockets and it also had a big white / black belt around the high waist of the skirt and along with that skirt i decided to wear a black top with it. and my heels of course. so i flat ironed my hair earlier that morning and i also put my make up on earlier so that i would be nice and cool before heading out that day.

heading out that day...
so, we got together and headed out to the building that was hosting this orientation. so now let me stop you right there. now you, like i are probably imagining me walking to the next building or hauling a taxi or catching a ride or something along those lines. you wouldn't think that with this being a semi casual event that i would actually be walking a distance in 31/2 inch heels right? wrong. so let me paint a picture for you. not only did i have to walk down the street. i then had to climb a heel. climb a steep flight of rock covered steps, go down a steep rock covered hill, go back up another flight of rock covered steep steps and then back down a heel. now you would think this would leave me to the location. um nope not so much, so then i had to go down the street and enter a warm building (hint the word warm not cool) and wait in line for about 20 minutes before i was actually able to rest my aching, legs and feet. now. you know that by this time i have sweated so hard that my hair is literally plastered to my wet perfectly m.a.c made up face! but i was too tired to be worried about all of that. so once inside i took of my shoes and waiting to be called.

i have arrived...
once i crawled inside and fell into my seat. i had to thank the LORD for allowing me to make it thus far. because i didn't know how i was going to make. jesus had to take the wheel. you wanna talk about pain and torture. i see now why every korean man and or woman is so tiny. hell they vigoriously workout all day! there are so many heels and steps here. it is unreal. and i mean a lot of steps not like american steps. not one or two. there is no rail to hold onto. just 100,000 rock steps.

ohh and ahhh...
got inside and after the introduction i was pleasantly surprised with a real taekwondo performance. so now, i have been to my neice's taekwondo class quite a few times and that has always been either one or two things either funny or the feeling as if i were sitting in a torture chamber. i mean i will say my neice is the cutest kid on planet earth and she has the looks. but she kinda sucks at taekwondo. but then to she is only 4 and what do you expect. now with that being said, the performance today puts my neices taekwando school to shame. they were breaking boards with their heads, the broke apples with their feet, they did jumps and flips and all kinds of fancy moves that i have never seen in my life. it was pure entertainment and it was awesome to see. infact, my pictures did no justice you would just have to be there.

there was a b-boy group. and they were also really good. a mixture of street dancing and break dancing and beatboxing too. they knew how to get the crowd moving and they were really good dancers too.

young girls and boys chorus. they did a really good job and they were so super cute!

and then there were the women whom i cant remember the names but that played this instrument ( i guess in the same family as a harp-with the exception of it laying across a small table instead of sitting on the floor) and they did a beautiful job.

so after that, we sat some more were introduced to some very important people and then we were off to the welcoming dinner.

i aint' got the time...
now, after my hike i was still really tired and had no energy to eat and or drink. all i really wanted to do was find a corner to curl in and rest my aching legs and feet. i barely made it to the dinner. which wasnt too far in distance. once i got there and sat down for a good 30 mins in decided to call it a night, as i was too tired to eat.

not quite the end of the night...
so, i got back to my room. turned on my laptop and got my pj's out to take a bath. my roomie cam in and invited me to Home Plus (which would be equivalent to americas walmart) now Home Plus has about 5 levels and each level is a seperate store. for instance level 2 would be for grocery. level 3 would be for clothes and level 4 would be electronics. and so on and so forth! so i was looking around. and looking around and somehow got seperated from the group i was with. as i was looking for them and looking around the store i came across two foreigners. to make a long story short, they told me about their experiences here in s korea and we exchanged numbers and facebook and email addresses. so, i guess you can say me getting seperated really turned into a good thing.

never able to...
so i wasn't able to find my group and by this time it was really late and time to head home. the downtown area i was in, is really cool. it puts you in the mind of ny at night. a lot of tall buildings a lot of cool shops and restaurants. i loved it. and if i weren't so tired i would have spent more time down there.

comfort in...
so, i made it back safely thank GOD and overall had a rather painfully pleasant day. i never did have dinner tonight (well i did have one of those cookies).

i am really tired and am now heading to bed. will blog again tomorrow. be sure to check facebook photos of today's event sometime later today.


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