so, yes, today was a really full day. would you like to hear about it? here it goes...
woke up...
so i woke up really early this morning, showered got dressed and went for breakfast. my breakfast consisted of a peice of spongecake and milk. in america that would make for an odd breakfast, here it wasn't odd at all. the cake wasn't what koreans would call a cake it would be considered a peice of bread. for me, it was equivalent to having a peice of pound cake only not ass sweet but just as good. as for the milk, i had water instead.
the nurse....
so once, i finished with breakfast i then headed over to the nurses station to have my temperature checked, as there has been the isssue with the swine flu, and here in korea, they want to make sure everyone is healthy. no issues or concerns coming in and no issues and or concerns going out.
the walk to the folk village...
so, upon my arrival to the folk village (somewhere here in suwon, s korea) as i walked up to enter the village, there was an older woman and a child. the older woman was squatting near a tree facing the entrance of the village (in plain view, i have to make sure you get a vivid description of this so that you will have a clear understanding of what i am saying). so this woman was holding a child in a squat position as the little girl opened her legs (in clear view) and urinated on the ground. perhaps this is common. it was a bit shocking for me. in america it would have been considered indecent exposure along with a few other things. but i get the koreans prospective on this too. "there is more room on the outside then there is on the inside" and "when you gotta go you gotta go!"
inside the folk village...
was actually really interesting and i really enjoyed it. basically, it was a look into the lives of Korean ancestors and they way they lived. it was a great introduction to Korean history. i took a lot of pictures, check them out on facebook.
my lunch at the folk village...
so, the lunch was very interesting. there was a bowl and that bowl was filled with vegetables i wasn't familiar with. some of the recognizable ingredients were: an egg, rice, spinach. in this bowl, you were to add rice and a spicy paste. once all of the ingredients were added you were to mix it up and enjoy. along with that meal were 3 side dishes. those sides of course were kimchi, spinach and a type of sprout. you were also given a soup.
the taste of the food at the folk village...
so, i am still trying to get use to the taste of korean food. the food is good. very good. but i still say it is an acquired taste. and unlike any food i have ever had before. i am still not able to consume much food (this should be a grea thing for me).
lunch table talk...
so during lunch i was able to socialize and a question that i was asked was, "have you taken a lot of pictures with people today?" so, it seems that black women are an interest to the Native Koreans (perhaps because they are not seen daily) there were 2 other black women at the folk village today, and both of them took pictures and were pointed and stared at. now i am wondering how come i haven't gotten the same reaction. perhaps, i just didn't notice it...that is possible i am oblivious to almost everything. the only interaction i really had with the natives was a Korean woman
after lunch...
so, we saw a lot, took pictures of a lot, talked a lot and walked a lot and then we were off to the Art Exhibit.
off to the Nam June Paik Art Center...
so, this exhibit was really intresting. who is and or was Nam June Paik? he was a korean born american artist. his work was more of video artistry. he was also considered to be the first video artist.
my take on the Art Exhibit...
it was really interesing and i really enjoyed it. and as an artist and art major i could totally appreciate his views and the amount of thought, time and energy that was placed into his peices. you know what they say "artists or artsy fartsy people tend to walk to the beat of their own drum" and my word his peices were ecclectic and eccentric and ever other adjective that describes interesting.
my camera being on the fritz...
so, as soon as i began taking really cook photos of the cool peices my camera's charge died on me. now i would have been really annoyed hadn't my camera not be so good to me, by allowing me to use her for 8 straight hours without a break. for that i am appreciate and i wont complain.
the art boutique/gift shop...
my word everything was too cute for words. i absolutely love asian art. and their perception of style. of course i wanted every item in the gift shop. i walked away with a cute envelope wallet (too cute...i is in the shape of an envelope. and on the back side it has a postage mark engraved into it. and the way it ties is soooo super cute. it has a cloth ribbon that you wrap around the body of the envelope and that's it....omg it's my new favorite thing!
and then there was dinner...
dinner time again. dinner consisted of: white rice, kimchi (just so you know kimchi is with every meal), sliced yellow pickles (or a food that was really similar to a pickle) and chicken peices on top of the rice with shredded yellow cheese (i think it was cheese but i am not sure). this meal came with 2 packets of sauce. one package appeared to me mayo and the other a thick soy sauce (not sure if either were what i thought it was).
the consumption of the dinner...
so, the dinner was good. and i actually enjoyed the first four bites. and after that i was done with it. i am still trying to get use to eating Korean food. i do like it. but i just can eat more than a few bites of it. again, this is really good for me. i'm looking forward to being my skinny sexy self.
to be out and about...
so, the plan was to go out tonight. do a little street walking (he he he) and etc. that didn't go as planned. once i actually sat down and realized my hands, feet, face, arms, legs were still swollen as if someone had pumped me up with a air machine. i decided to get off of my feet and up my water consumption and call it a night. being on a flight for that long has caused serious swelling and i haven't sat down long enough or drank enough fluids for this to go away. so, tonight my friends i am propping up my fat puffy feet and putting my cankles on a pillow and resting my self on the bed and i will chat with you all again this week.
the rest of my busy week...
this week will be really busy for me, i may not be able to post a blog everyday but i will continue to post a blog atleast once a week. until then....see ya wouldn't wanna' be ya!!!
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