so, last night i set my alarm to wake me up hella' early, as i had to be to work about an hour prior to my usual afternoon schedule. i was to be a judge for an english competion. so with that being said, first thing this morning i immediately got up and did the usual...
that's what i do...
my blackberry went off and i almost cried outloud at the sound of it. it seems i had just laid down and all i wanted was another few hours of sleep. so i shut off the alarm. sat on the side of the bed and stared at my feet for about 10 mins. i then decided to get out of bed turn on the shower and begin the routine of showering, flat ironing my hair and painting my face.
next thing...
once i finished all of the above and answered a few internet emails and skyped for a few it was time for me to get dress put on my shoes and head out the door.
yesterday's horror...
so today i carefully chose my foot attire. although yesterday i had on a wedgeheel pair of shoes (the most comfortable type of shoe on planet earth) and today i decided on a chocolate pair of mary jane wedgeheels. i figured i couldn't go wrong with this selection. so after i decided on the show, i then grabbed my laptop and my "work bag" and bolted out of the door. especially careful to not fall. Lord knows i did not want to re-live that dreadful incident yesterday.
a star is born...
so i arrive to work and i am walking on eggshells the entire day. my knees and legs were still quite sore from that "dive" i took yesterday. upon my arrival i immediately head to my judging quarters where i will gather the survey sheet and lyrics to the song and dance competition that i solely will be judging. talk about pressure. the winner and or loser depended on my one and only vote. either they are "in" or they are "out." and it is all on me. a lot of pressure i know. so the competition was insanely adorable and it was such a tough competition to judge. everyone obviously work so hard on their sing and dance. but i do think i chose the perfect winner per category.
wine and cheese or something like that....
so, during an intermission during my judging i was taken to the inside of this really cute office area and was served snacks. and i was a hot ass mess eating them. there were nuts that i wasn't quite sure how i should eat them. there were drinks and there were little wrap things and grapes. i ate the food as goofy as could be spilling food and acting as if i had absolutely zero home training. i think i was still a little off from landing on my "coconuts" yesterday (that is what my adorable niece would say). after the snack i then head back to judging the competition.
and the winner is....well, actually...
so, i put in my votes for who i thought should win and after 4 hours of judging, my work was done and i scooted off to the cafeteria as it was lunch time and i wanted to get in there before the crowd was scheduled to arrive..
mmm good...well mostly
so, i grab my chopsticks, grab my tray and my spoon from the beginning of the line and i go down the line saying "thanks, thank you, thanks, gam sam ham ni da, thank ya." i grab a seat and i put down my "work bag" and i begin to eat.
on the menu...
so on the menu today, was the same as every damn day...lets see we had: kimchi, white rice, squid, soup (actually the soup was so good i ate damn near every single bite the only think i didn't do was take the bowl hold it to my mouth and gulp it down and lick the sides-which is what i may have done at home.) the soup was seriously good. so kind of fish / tofu plank thing, the worlds best salad (seriously the salad was insanely good. omg so fresh and the dressing on the salad was delicious they have insanely great dressings great (mom you would love the salad dressing here) i of course at that so quick i damn near went back for seconds on just the salad alone. and then there were eggs. yes baby eggs. whose baby? i am not sure but someone or something with teeny tiny eggs about the size of a quarter. but the eggs were pretty good. (for the record i asked my Emma Boo what kind of egg they served here she told me pigeon eggs. now how true is this, i have no idea. whatever they are, they are tasty). so i ate my food and returned my tray and stood at the water stand and chugged just about all the water that was pumped to me. i then waddled back to the lounge area wondering why in the world would i drink so much water. you know the feeling you get when you drink an insane amount of water and with every movement you can literally feel and hear the water swooshing from side to side in your belly. ugh that was how i felt. and just why did i drink so much water, i just don't know.
finally at an end...
the day is over and i am on my way home. i literally damn near ran out of work and onto the street corner and hailed a cab got in and requested that the cabby drive me home.
home is where my korean heart is...
so, i get home and decide to go with pizza again. this time i decided to not bother Miss Gina and attempt to make that call myself. i stare at the menu for a good 10 mins and then i pick up the phone and dial out (which by the way, is only about my 4th time actually dialing out on my home phone). so i get the same voice that sounded much like the woman the day before. i then say pepperoni pizza. before i could get the rest of the words out as far as my location and or number she says "oh no english call back." i then say okay. hang up the phone and have no intentions of having pizza that night let alone calling them back. next thing you know (within minutes) my phone rings. i assume it is my Emma Boo. she is the only person who ever calls me on the house phone. well either she or my neighbor Miss Rachel. so i answer the phone and i am shocked to find that it is Pizza Hut on the line they ask they verify my address and phone number and ask if i would like the same order as before. i say sure why not. i hang up the phone and dance across the room and go into the kitchen to close the cabinets tonight was going to be dinner and a movie without the worry of cleaning my kitchen. whoop whoop!
birds in my bedroom???
about 30 mins later i hear the distinctive sound of birds and a hawk. and i am wondering just what in the hell is going on. i then hear the someone at the door in broken english yell "PIZZER HIAT." and i assume thats my food! i trot to the door and open the door and again like last time i am greeted by the most pleasant delivery guy ever. he goes into his delivery skit and i just nod and smile and grab the box and bow and say thank you like 20 times. i put down the box and then i grab my shoes and open the door and push the button next to my door and stick my head inside of my apt. Lord and behold the sound of birds and hawks and crickets is my door bell! i learn something new every single day.
and that will be it...
well, i enjoy my dinner, chat on skype, chit chat on facebook, gmail a little and work on a powerpoint for the next day call it a night and head to bed.
overall today was a really great day. mom's always seem to know best. i was somewhat having reservations about going to work today. my mom via skype re-assured me that no one would mention my tumble yesterday and that no one actually probably even witnessed it. and true enough no one mentioned today. it wasn't awkward. and today like everyday was an amazingly great day. thank God i am having a wonderful time in s korea and God has truly had my back.
nothing too fun nothing too exciting just another day in my world. and it was pretty damn good.
until next time...